I think part of the reason it's taken so long for the audit results to come out (and justice to happen) is to show Americans what it's like to live under communism. Now many liberals are starting to wake up, realize they dont actually want to live under tyranny/communism, and are realizing how much of a failure Biden is. It's been a slow, excruciatingly painful process, but I think necessary so that the blowback from the left is greatly diminished.
I think part of the reason it's taken so long for the audit results to come out (and justice to happen) is to show Americans what it's like to live under communism. Now many liberals are starting to wake up, realize they dont actually want to live under tyranny/communism, and are realizing how much of a failure Biden is. It's been a slow, excruciatingly painful process, but I think necessary so that the blowback from the left is greatly diminished.