Thanks to both of you & thanks for your visual visions Rubieroo. I keep asking God & he seems to say that things will work out well. I appreciate all the details for your vision though
I've been contemplating it too & trying to figure out the root of it all. From what I can tell this cabal started from Sabatai Sevi (or ZVI) in the 1600's. He was a Jewish Rabbi who came up with this 'method' of getting a redemption from sin by SINNING! by intentionally having an act of sin. (I go into it in more depth on a long post if you want to hear) Nevertheless, some of his people converted to Islam & sired Wahhabism (which today are groups like ISIS & Al-Qaeda) some of his people converted to Christianity & married into the nobles in Europe (They always had to marry into their own UNLESS they marry into a higher class) Some stayed 'as' Jews.(like the Roths, Epsteins, Maxwells... ) Please remember this is a very deviant sect & are not Jews at all - they take the Jewish laws in reverse
Some believe that they founded Freemasonry. You can see their tracts through history. Why did Napoleon do all that & then stop after? (But left masonic temples behind wherever he went, etc etc etc)
But anyways I see this cabal, this spider as the last beast in the bible, & the media is the false prophet
Do send a link to your long post on the topic. The only problem with “history”, per se, is that so much of it has been corrupted by tptb over the years-decades-centuries that it seems sometimes impossible to determine what actually occurred after-the-fact. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t research it and try. Sometimes people painted as villains may actually be the good ones and vice-versa.
I also wonder if this cabal - whenever this evil was spawned into existence - kept their own records intact. If they did, there may be some way that these can be discovered and exposed after the white hats exterminate the remaining tendrils of this insidious evil group. One can hope and I think most people here would love to get the actual history of these beasts.
It's just my thoughts, my take at the time. Of course, idk for sure. No one does. The cabal really is like this spider in that person's dream. It's so creepy & slimy it certainly doesn't look like an empire of old but if we consider what an empire does - an empire controls nations. That's exactly what the swamp / cabal does. It controls many many nations & the few that try to resist always get slimed out somehow.
and of course their PR is the main stream media which I think is the false prophet or 2nd beast in Rev 13 The beast that looks like a lamb & talks like a dragon & has 2 horns (left wing media & right wing media) He keeps writing image image image. the 2nd beast makes the people worship the IMAGE of the 1st beast which is exactly what the MSM is doing. It get's people drunk on this IMAGE of what the 1st beast is. 1st beast didn't even win the election but the 2nd beast keeps giving out the IMAGE that it did, etc etc etc
No one is going to go worship a golden calf today. lol But they certainly worship all those IMAGEs on all that media
And yes Zvi, Sevi Zevi However that chameleon spells his name is such a slime ball. Pretended to be the 'messiah' back in his say & slimed out of being killed by lying & playing chameleon. I have a video of Opera W interviewing a young Jewish woman who grew up in this cult. IDK how to upload video on here (Not most jews of course - just these very few but there also Christian & Muslim ones)
BTW Sevi 'converted' to Islam in 1666. IDK those numbers say something to me.
Thank you for that extensive theory. I wouldn’t be surprised if this Zevi character was the primary manifestation of evil for his time, but my gut feeling is that this evil and the cabal have been around for countless centuries, much longer than Zevi’s time. When our Lord flooded the earth, when He demolished Sodom and Gomorrah, I have to believe things had gotten out of control enough to incur God’s mighty wrath.
The flood wiped out a large swath of humanity, S&G two cities. Perhaps the good Lord is giving us the opportunity to try and remove the evil in a more targeted manner so as to minimize the “collateral damage” (I personally dislike that terminology) of the good souls that get injured or die when the evil beasts are taken out.
I poked briefly on DDG into info on Zevi and it appears he was influenced by Jewish mysticism (versus Talmudic teachings) so the roots of this mysticism, obviously around before Zevi’s time, would be a further path in this rabbit hole to explore. (Disclaimer- I have no experience with this linked site, don’t know if they’re solid or bs, just found this on a search).
Anyway, I have no idea if the current media has any correlation to Revelation, but I surely believe that they’re not only evil, but culpable. I’ll be happy if our fellow anon’s vision regarding the media comes to fruition.
Thank you again for your impressive efforts at sharing your research and theories.
Thanks to both of you & thanks for your visual visions Rubieroo. I keep asking God & he seems to say that things will work out well. I appreciate all the details for your vision though
I've been contemplating it too & trying to figure out the root of it all. From what I can tell this cabal started from Sabatai Sevi (or ZVI) in the 1600's. He was a Jewish Rabbi who came up with this 'method' of getting a redemption from sin by SINNING! by intentionally having an act of sin. (I go into it in more depth on a long post if you want to hear) Nevertheless, some of his people converted to Islam & sired Wahhabism (which today are groups like ISIS & Al-Qaeda) some of his people converted to Christianity & married into the nobles in Europe (They always had to marry into their own UNLESS they marry into a higher class) Some stayed 'as' Jews.(like the Roths, Epsteins, Maxwells... ) Please remember this is a very deviant sect & are not Jews at all - they take the Jewish laws in reverse
Some believe that they founded Freemasonry. You can see their tracts through history. Why did Napoleon do all that & then stop after? (But left masonic temples behind wherever he went, etc etc etc)
But anyways I see this cabal, this spider as the last beast in the bible, & the media is the false prophet
Do send a link to your long post on the topic. The only problem with “history”, per se, is that so much of it has been corrupted by tptb over the years-decades-centuries that it seems sometimes impossible to determine what actually occurred after-the-fact. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t research it and try. Sometimes people painted as villains may actually be the good ones and vice-versa.
I also wonder if this cabal - whenever this evil was spawned into existence - kept their own records intact. If they did, there may be some way that these can be discovered and exposed after the white hats exterminate the remaining tendrils of this insidious evil group. One can hope and I think most people here would love to get the actual history of these beasts.
This is what I wrote:
and since it was too long I continued here
It's just my thoughts, my take at the time. Of course, idk for sure. No one does. The cabal really is like this spider in that person's dream. It's so creepy & slimy it certainly doesn't look like an empire of old but if we consider what an empire does - an empire controls nations. That's exactly what the swamp / cabal does. It controls many many nations & the few that try to resist always get slimed out somehow.
and of course their PR is the main stream media which I think is the false prophet or 2nd beast in Rev 13 The beast that looks like a lamb & talks like a dragon & has 2 horns (left wing media & right wing media) He keeps writing image image image. the 2nd beast makes the people worship the IMAGE of the 1st beast which is exactly what the MSM is doing. It get's people drunk on this IMAGE of what the 1st beast is. 1st beast didn't even win the election but the 2nd beast keeps giving out the IMAGE that it did, etc etc etc
No one is going to go worship a golden calf today. lol But they certainly worship all those IMAGEs on all that media
And yes Zvi, Sevi Zevi However that chameleon spells his name is such a slime ball. Pretended to be the 'messiah' back in his say & slimed out of being killed by lying & playing chameleon. I have a video of Opera W interviewing a young Jewish woman who grew up in this cult. IDK how to upload video on here (Not most jews of course - just these very few but there also Christian & Muslim ones)
BTW Sevi 'converted' to Islam in 1666. IDK those numbers say something to me.
Thank you for that extensive theory. I wouldn’t be surprised if this Zevi character was the primary manifestation of evil for his time, but my gut feeling is that this evil and the cabal have been around for countless centuries, much longer than Zevi’s time. When our Lord flooded the earth, when He demolished Sodom and Gomorrah, I have to believe things had gotten out of control enough to incur God’s mighty wrath.
The flood wiped out a large swath of humanity, S&G two cities. Perhaps the good Lord is giving us the opportunity to try and remove the evil in a more targeted manner so as to minimize the “collateral damage” (I personally dislike that terminology) of the good souls that get injured or die when the evil beasts are taken out.
I poked briefly on DDG into info on Zevi and it appears he was influenced by Jewish mysticism (versus Talmudic teachings) so the roots of this mysticism, obviously around before Zevi’s time, would be a further path in this rabbit hole to explore. (Disclaimer- I have no experience with this linked site, don’t know if they’re solid or bs, just found this on a search).
Anyway, I have no idea if the current media has any correlation to Revelation, but I surely believe that they’re not only evil, but culpable. I’ll be happy if our fellow anon’s vision regarding the media comes to fruition.
Thank you again for your impressive efforts at sharing your research and theories.