TRUST THE PLAN. IT IS UNFOLDING. But, OK, bois and xirls, what's next in that plan? Indictments? Prosecutions in AZ? The audit still has things to drop that weren't presented, Friday. Do those come out, and then something else happens? What would that be? And Durham is rolling, does that accelerate?
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I think Hyper Inflation via a Stock Market and Economic Crash. Hyper Inflation to be spurred on by a number of factors, including the stock squeeze, the shipping ports backlog, the dollar crash, the flood of foreclosures will collapse the housing market, the 10y and 30y bond rate climbing, and so on.... basically, just complete economic chaos - Venezueala style, just as Trump alluded to this evening in Georgia.
Want to WAKE UP more people? WAKE UP those still asleep? Here is how:
Wreck their pension funds, devalue their house, and make their paycheck worthless. WAKEY-WAKEY! They will hate Biden and Socialism really quickly.
Yup i agree. But for everyones sake this needs to keep accelerating at a break neck pace. I think it will. This farce cannot continue into next year imho.