TRUST THE PLAN. IT IS UNFOLDING. But, OK, bois and xirls, what's next in that plan? Indictments? Prosecutions in AZ? The audit still has things to drop that weren't presented, Friday. Do those come out, and then something else happens? What would that be? And Durham is rolling, does that accelerate?
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I think now is the time God has already prepared us for: the Holy Spirit gives us inner long endurance also known as patience. Not the short-term “I’m waiting” but the long term “I see it coming and I’ll stay; I’ll stick; I’ll hold the line” for as long as it takes. Because a Patriot, what other choice do I have? Turn to the other side? C’mon now 😊 we can do this!
My dear fellow anon family...
Most of us have only been in this battle for a mere blink of an eye compared to the Patriots who answered the call to arms on November 22, 1963.
Put on the Armour of God.