FiercePatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

The battle is the Lord’s! Forgive us Lord for abdicating our Country and our ground to the enemy! Please lead us thru this valley. Bring us out as you brought Your people out of Egypt. Do it again Lord. We surrender to Your will — May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And Lord please help us to save our children from death and destruction! We let down our guard, sat by and watched as they threw you out of the schools, politics (this country WAS and IS still founded on a covenant George Washington made with You in NY!), our entertainment culture. And evil came in immediately. We are so sorry Father for not abiding in You and giving the evil one the beautiful land You gave into our hands! Forgive us Lord and heal our land, hear our prayers and save us!

For those who complain about pleading to the Lord—- we tried it your way and no god came to help. We threw God out, and the lawless came in with atheism. So it’s our turn now!

FiercePatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

These people who are so offended by R v Wade being reversed, and saving children’s lives, are sick! I once witnessed women coming into an abortion clinic using it as birth control and proud of it!! “My fourth” or “my first” etc. they shouted! I was offended by THAT!! I’ll never forget it and pray for justice to be served against those who allowed the killing of babies to happen!

FiercePatriot 2 points ago +6 / -4

There’s a difference in the mindset of Pharisees and Israelites. Unless you get clearance from God. I wouldn’t mess around with His people.

FiercePatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because they wanted to see if their work was successful? Follow MSM…..

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