doesnt even sound like they know what the space force does, they put out stuff last year saying they protect all space including cyber space. They're basically an intelligence protection branch, protecting the internet, sattalites and other stuff
Well of course so then the (So called Dems it’s really the Progressive Communist Socialist Party) can’t have any actual agency that would block more cyber attacks and a possible EMP attack against the USA can’t have that you know, dirty bastards!
doesnt even sound like they know what the space force does, they put out stuff last year saying they protect all space including cyber space. They're basically an intelligence protection branch, protecting the internet, sattalites and other stuff
Well of course so then the (So called Dems it’s really the Progressive Communist Socialist Party) can’t have any actual agency that would block more cyber attacks and a possible EMP attack against the USA can’t have that you know, dirty bastards!