Am interested to hear GAW perspectives.
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Please fail public ed. I work for them. Otherwise trillions required to keep producing mediocrity.
Public ed, as i work for them as well…is an easy fix… every aspect of No child left behind, common core, next gen science standards, etc… needs to be removed… Secondly, we need to drop this notion that every student can achieve… the reality is that not all students will be doctors and scientists… some will become electricians, and carpenters (which are highly needed), while others will work at walmart… and all that is ok… because there is a job for everyone
Last, we need patriot type people getting involved in education and push the commies out. Home schooling is fine but will only impact your kids. This is all well and good, but one day your kids will rely on others to help them/care for them… and if the rest are something out of idiocracy, well then your kids will suffer one way or the other… the more kids we save, the greater our future becomes…
The arts and P.E. need to be brought back into the curriculum. Reading, writing and arithmetic needs to be front and center in the day to day classes from 1st grade through 12 grade. People should be able to do simple adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing in their heads by the time they are adults. Cursive needs to be brought back too. Pledge of Allegiance needs to be every day, like clockwork in classes too. Public schools should not be forced to wear uniforms. That is what Parochial schools are for! (LOL) Catholic humor here.
Add in that schools need to go back to two recesses and a lunch break. Kids need the movement and socialization. It is inhumane to have them at their desks for hours at a time. It would also help with fitness and obesity problems. And let teachers have some say in how their class is conducted. Right now teachers can get in trouble if they are not “teaching the curriculum” and are doing something like saying happy birthday to a student. I kid you not!
Yes! And NEVER again, mandatory masks. Bring back common sense.
100% smartcookie.... & I read quite a bit of solid research to support (no sauce, sorry... no longer have access to these journals & articles)