I may not reach everyone but I will reach some. PLEASE SPEND 8 MINUTES WATCHING AND 2 MINUTES SHARING. I know it is dated (a month seems like an eternity at this point), but it is one of the most concise and informative videos out there. PLEASE REPOST with your own words. It seems I have been deemed a shill here and am likely blocked or ?deported?. (BTW what is that?)
Maybe the shills are those that vehemently perpetuate censorship, close mindedness, and consequently attempt to alienate people with opinions that they have found make them uncomfortable. The world these days is filled with those that feel entitled, superior, and think it would be inconceivable.... The division and separatist GANG mentality that got us to where we are today is evidenced by how easy people find it to dismiss others. Same as its always been, anyway THANK YOU for reading, but please for the love of God, Nation, and Family SHARE THIS VIDEO
Tried to share, the entire domain is blocked by fb. (
Reposted with the domain censored out and along with the blocked URL popup screencap (which helpfully contains the domain name).
That got through. 👍
The truth isn't easy to find, but it's worth seeking out.
Can you translate that , with a link, so I can post it too?
Try to post a URL. Get a notice saying URL blocked.
Screenshot notice and save as jpg using Windows Snip&Sketch (Windows Key + Shift + S)
Remove domain (in yellow at bottom) and replace with CENSORED (in yellow at top).
Add screenshot under the censored URL in your message.
Screenshot linked above is what final result looks like.
If you want to just use that image for the blocked brighteon URL, just do that. 👍