SpaltedWOODS 3 points ago +3 / -0

OK, I will spell it out. Most hospitals won’t allow a woman to give birth without being vaccinated. If there’s no formula for her to feed her baby she will be forced to breast-feed. Hence her child who is not eligible under federal guidelines to be inoculated, will continue to get a dosage. Yes I understand that the baby Shares her mothers blood and thereby would probably already be inoculated. But they are finding that more boosters and dosing further deteriorates the immune system.

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

The National Quantum Initiative Act (NQI Act) was signed into law by President Trump on December 21, 2018 “to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.” The GOAT created this. So I am assuming it is for the benefit of the people, but think autists are needed.

SpaltedWOODS 4 points ago +4 / -0

I spent over an hour on the phone calling every bank near me yesterday to try to purchase some rubles with US dollars. Not a single one of them could accommodate me. I tried my local airport, but they said for me to get the Ruble I would have to go into Boston and even then it wasn’t a sure bet.

There goes a potential profit, flipping geopolitics!! And for those who think that is immoral, know that I am not cheerring on the destruction of the US dollar, I just recognize what is happening and I don’t want to lose any of my hard earned cash.

SpaltedWOODS 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe people here are not fans of reddit, but they have a group called "wall street silver" that covers the bullion market conversations very well. I believe Russia produces 9% of the worlds silver, and the LBMA just announced they will not be receiving any gold deliveries from six of Russia's largest banks. This will limit supply to the COMEX drastically. In addition the BRICS are working to unseat the USD, https://goldstockbull.com/brics-countries-going-gold/

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m fairly certain I have been blocked or deported by many people on this website. It would be terrific if maybe you could repost it with a flashier headline. I sent a email to the mods asking them to re-post the video because they are influencers, for the exact same reason. The moderator said that he believes the community is just not interested in this type of thing. I am flabbergasted by what people deem to be unimportant

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had forgotten that the land that was purchased by Disney was swamp beforehand. It made me think about Washington, D.C. and I am wondering what other notable properties were once swamps. Trump wanted to drain the swamps, I wonder if he was also referring to Disney Enterprises, etc

SpaltedWOODS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reverse osmosis is not as effective at removing crap as some think. My buddy works for a well drilling company. He has access to water testing equipment and tested some waters including a very large corporations (blue label) reverse osmosis water. He said his test showed particulate matter (fecal matter and TP) in that test. I tell strangers at convenience stores they might want to get the water from Maine because of this. I am shocked that some still have purchased the blue label after I tell them about the test.

SpaltedWOODS 3 points ago +3 / -0

THANK YOU for your insight and understanding. I posted something earlier about this and just because I am wide awake and have been for decades does not mean I am tech literate.

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think this site is corrupted or something. I'm not computer sauve per se, but I clicked on something on this site and it immediately redirected to a site that said "Virus found APPLE" then went to a few other sites before ending up on Yahoo Sports News. If you experienced the same thing I am sorry for that, I have no affiliation with humorousmathematics nor do I find that site trustworthy anymore. I guess I have to debug my computer or get virus protection at his point. With the behavior of our, purportedly, legal enforcement agencies, I have some concerns about how Lawfully they act. With the way Jan 6'ers are treated, the arguably treasonous behavior of our Law enforcement, Australias draconian laws enabling their Federal agencies to change/create/distort social posting, etc. etc. etc. I wonder if I have been targeted by one of the alphabets because I do speak out and want to regain a LAWFUL, MORAL, and PROSPEROUS NATION.

Regardless I get solicitous raunchy posts on this site and other odd linkings that my girlfriend doesn't. I think my computer is corrupted or being corrupted.

SpaltedWOODS 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many people have to say or point out something before it's not considered a coincidence?

SpaltedWOODS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great post. Thank you

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

She said no definitely not. It is more like a dark purple sleeve (call it a tattoo gone horribly wrong)

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will check that out and see if any images reflect what she is seeing. Do you know if this is one of the reported side effects of the jab?

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems to be old news, new interview, my apologies.

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thomas is representing a federal whistleblower putting forth damning information about the COVID 19 shot. You don't want to miss this one.

He is late

SpaltedWOODS 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must be a virologist, pathologist, epidemiologist, microbiologist or hold some form of medical degree, right?

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