Just a reminder that Ivermectin works. Long story short a bunch of kids got sick in my sons school, like almost half the class out sick. We had covid before so this was just a bad flu. Anyway he was very sick stomach, sore throat, dizzy, fever, sweaty etc. I was also getting a sore throat. He said he couldnt smell anything and things tasted funny but I think that was just his stuffy nose this time.
Anyway we broke out the paste. He went to bed sick as a dog. about 2 hours later he was down stairs and was saying he was feeling good. Like two farking hours. The next day he was out riding his dirt bike while his school friends were still very sick. We took ivermectin, zinc 50mg, vit C 2000mg each for three days.
It works people.
jeez man what are you smoking.
Raw food evangelist.