DOJ then investigates him and here we are.
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Hello Dolly! I did not know that, but our founding fathers did know exactly what to expect and took great pains to provide us with the tools to protect our republic. A geat quote from Madison, could not be more precsient. Yes, they'd still be reading Obamacate and definitely their giant spending bill which was almost 1000 pages, I believe? We need to get back to our roots, these bills need to be read outlaud thrice before voted on, but our selected bozos barely show up anyway. Sad! This has to change and quickly.
Don't even get me started. The Republic to me was like a shiny new car that over time has been worn down by the [human] elements. Time for a rebuild. Same car, just remove the corrosion.
We have strayed so far from the original intent it's unbelievable. The corruption is due to the unnecessary complexity, IMO. Not only should laws be short and comprehensible there should be no corresponding "regulations" drafted by the unelected executive branch bureaucrats. Congress is supposed to have the EXCLUSIVE right and obligation to make law under Article II. Renaming laws "regulations" is a bullshit way of insulating our lawmakers from their constitutional responsibility. That's why they say things like "We have to pass it to find out what's in it." Maddening.
I couldn't agree more, you'd have my non-Dominioned vote any day!