Biden’s Shot in front of green screen
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Clearer video (sorry, YouTube).
What's more remarkable is what a still day it was! I can't see a single movement of those plants outside. At midday on Monday the wind was 13 mph.
I don't think it's a green screen, but it definitely looks like a set. The "windows" look like backlit pictures. Look at 2m00s in that video. The sun can be seen in the middle window. Now look at 4m04s. The sun is in exactly the same place in the window frame. There's no change in perspective. The sun doesn't interact with the lens in any way, doesn't wash out any part of the window frame, and doesn't brighten/dim with passing clouds.
Also, the sunburst pattern from the sun is an artifact of the lens aperture. There's no way there would be a sunburst pattern entirely contained within the window glass and absolutely no sunburst pattern on the right of the light source.
OK, I'm now confused. The description of the video above says it's in the South Court Auditorium. Let's look at some photos of the South Court Auditorium:
Here, for example, where it's clear there are no windows in the room - it's more of a stage, or theatre.
And here. This one's very interesting: you can see a very similar set-up with the windows, and they're clearly completely fake - part of a set. So, it's no secret that it's a stage set.
And watch the press women near the end as she exists stage left, she literally steps down (like off a stage) before exiting via where?? The background through the windows were shady AF, the "haze" around the head etc always gives it away.