There have been discussions ongoing that it seems to be at least partially attributable to homosexuality as well.. parents posting how their gay son took ivermectin for covid, crapped out a horrible mess of worms, and now is no longer interested in men.
Given that parasites exist that can modify psychologies, like the catpoop Toxoplasmosis, like the cordyceps fungus that makes insects it grows on climb to the highest elevation they can by blinding their eyes.. then the notion that parasites exist which can promote their own replication by inducing ass-related activity among adults and particularly among gay men.. well thats plausible based on the other mind-altering bugs out there.
When has any other medicine been subject to so much panic for the 'crime' of being effective either before or since? Maybe the good old horse paste is just what society needs, and leftisms and all its self-degradation and psychopathies will fade away.
Edit - noticed this topic is covered in another post here! Very good timing.
There have been discussions ongoing that it seems to be at least partially attributable to homosexuality as well.. parents posting how their gay son took ivermectin for covid, crapped out a horrible mess of worms, and now is no longer interested in men.
Given that parasites exist that can modify psychologies, like the catpoop Toxoplasmosis, like the cordyceps fungus that makes insects it grows on climb to the highest elevation they can by blinding their eyes.. then the notion that parasites exist which can promote their own replication by inducing ass-related activity among adults and particularly among gay men.. well thats plausible based on the other mind-altering bugs out there.
When has any other medicine been subject to so much panic for the 'crime' of being effective either before or since? Maybe the good old horse paste is just what society needs, and leftisms and all its self-degradation and psychopathies will fade away.
Edit - noticed this topic is covered in another post here! Very good timing.
Makes sense, because parasites can create enzymes that affect the brain function - perhaps leading to homosexuality.
Imagine, when all this is done and everyone is asked to take ivermectin - both for Covid and for vaccines, and suddenly there is no LGBT left lol
This is a serious matter. I genuinely think what you're saying is exactly correct. No more parasites = no more trannies and gays.
But trannies especially are created mostly by peer pressure, especially last couple years. I really feel so bad for them.
Peer pressure from people who are infected.