The story of AIDS began in the 1970's. Back then, the free love movement, hippy movement, anti-Vietnam movement, women's liberation movement was all going on. It was a cultural revoluation.
At this time, there was also a "coming out" movement by gay people. Gay men were setting up bath houses for gay sex and having it randomly wherever and whenever. Barack Obama is rumored to have participated in this, as well.
Suddenly, gay men started getting very sick with strange illnesses never before seen. They were dying. It was unknown what was going on, so people freaked out.
Into the 1980's, the government was "trying to solve the problem," so they came up with the idea of a Gay Immune Disease (I forget the original name, but it was something like that). The idea was to raise money to "fight it." But they found they couldn't raise money for a gay-only illness, so they looked for reasons to claim it was both sexes.
In the USA and western Europe, it was only gay men. Women were not affected. But then, they started to include Africa, and they claimed that both men and women were getting sick. This was what was needed to scare the public into thinking that anybody could get sick.
They renamed it "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" (AIDS), and from there they could raise billions of dollars to "fight it."
Robert Gallo came along and said he found the cause of AIDS. He said it was HIV that caused AIDS. Only one problem: He never had any evidince that this was actually true.
Dr. Peter Duesberg began to speak out that they were wrong about this "HIV/AIDS Hypothesis." Duesberg was the world's leading expert virologist on HIV, as it turned out. He said that HIV is a retrovirus, and all retrovirues are NOT HARMFUL TO HUMANS. They are usually passed from mother to child during childbirth, and they pose no harm at all. That's why he was certain that HIV could not be the cause of a serious illness.
Dr. Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR) started asking questions of the leading experts on AIDS, and he discovered that NONE of them could show ANY research that was ever done that showed that HIV caused AIDS.
So, what is AIDS, and how can we explain that only gay men in the West would "get it" while both sexes would in Africa?
Actually, it is a very simple explanation.
The first thing to wrap your head around is: AIDS does not actually exist. It is not an illness at all. It is not even a medical condition. It is simply a definition in terms.
Did you see how they recently tried to change the definition of "vaccine?" Have you seen how they constantly change the definition of "fully vaccinated?" They played this same con game with AIDS.
The CDC has an official list of 30+ illnesses that they claim are linked to AIDS. If a person has one of these illnesses (such as tuberculosis), AND they are also HIV+, then they are "diagnosed" with AIDS. If they have the exact same illness, and they are HIV-, then they are not diagnosed with AIDS, but only with the illness.
What test determines if the person is HIV positive or negative? If you have watched the Covid scam, you already know the answer. It is the PCR "test."
Mullis died just before the Covid scam started (August 2019). He spoke out about how Fauci and others were MISUSING the PCR method he invented. Obviously, he wasn't talking about PCR use for Covid. He was talking primarily about the misuse of PCR for HIV.
So, someone has one of these 30+ illnesses, and they are given a bogus PCR test. If it comes back "positive," they are deemed to have AIDS.
THAT is what they are calling AIDS.
So, if AIDS is a made up fantasy, if it does not really exist at all, then why then did these people actually die -- only gay men in the West and both sexes in Africa? Well, this is why they wanted to silence Duesberg, because he gave us the answer.
In the 1970's gay men were starting to use drugs to relax the muscles during gay sex. These were called nitrate poppers. They are extremely toxic. In addition, they would have parties and stay awake for days at a time. They would mix cocaine and other drugs in order to do this. These drug cocktails drastically supress the immune system.
All it takes then, is to get one of these illnesses from either someone else or from simply a sick body due to a weak immune system. And they would get sick and die. It was the drugs killing the immune system that made them sick.
In Africa, it was poor people who were getting diseases of poverty. Diarrhea can kill if you don't have good sanitation. This is one of the 30+ illnesses on the CDC list. People in Africa were dying of illnesses they had always died of, but they were now calling it "AIDS." This is the excact same scam they are using today, where people are dying of flu but they are calling it "Covid."
Now, it is entirely possible that there are also parasites that are harming people and killing them. But that does not "cause AIDS." Nothing "causes AIDS" because AIDS does not exist. It is a definition: (a) CDC-listed illness, with (b) PCR+ fake test.
If people do die of parasites, that begs the question: Why are THOSE people getting parasties and dying, but other people exposed to the SAME parasites are not? Many people eat shit food, but not many people "get AIDS."
We should expect that someone who has gone to a STEM school curriculum in the past 20 years or so would be mis-trained into a way of thinking that is not correct. The anon might think he is correct, but he did not explain why one group of people got sick and died while another group exposed to the same food did not.
Toxic drug use, poor sanitation, or just poor health habbits leads to a weak immune system, and that is what leads to sickness and death. Parasites are a problem, but our immune system generally handles them. If we have a weak immune system due to lifestyle issues, then that is when the parasites can take over. This explains why some people can be healty and others will die, even though exposed to the same conditions in the environment.
So at the beginning of this whole shit show when the videos of Mullis came out I started digging into the aids/hiv world. My biggest take away was that fauci "wanted a cure" for decades but the ultimate solution was vaccines will never be the full solution it is better to learn how to treat diseases so they aren't death sentences.
I got to the "intentionally vague" definition of aids and it's all encompassing nature and started getting curious about the t cells and how fauci couldn't answer why the cells up and kill themselves until doctors decades later figure it out.
Ultimately I just don't really know anymore, there's to many ideas, are all viruses actually just parasites or are we dealing with an altered virus from a Chinese lab. Is it "just the flu" with added societal pressure on symptoms? Our side has been to okay in my mind with these conflicting points. If you bring up one to an outsider they will think you are bat shit.
Wasn't this discussed right when Covid came out? I remember it being censored on 4pol pretty heavily.
Hijacking top comment to paste the link to the pdf at the end
Hacking your hack --
I have a different understanding of AIDS.
The story of AIDS began in the 1970's. Back then, the free love movement, hippy movement, anti-Vietnam movement, women's liberation movement was all going on. It was a cultural revoluation.
At this time, there was also a "coming out" movement by gay people. Gay men were setting up bath houses for gay sex and having it randomly wherever and whenever. Barack Obama is rumored to have participated in this, as well.
Suddenly, gay men started getting very sick with strange illnesses never before seen. They were dying. It was unknown what was going on, so people freaked out.
Into the 1980's, the government was "trying to solve the problem," so they came up with the idea of a Gay Immune Disease (I forget the original name, but it was something like that). The idea was to raise money to "fight it." But they found they couldn't raise money for a gay-only illness, so they looked for reasons to claim it was both sexes.
In the USA and western Europe, it was only gay men. Women were not affected. But then, they started to include Africa, and they claimed that both men and women were getting sick. This was what was needed to scare the public into thinking that anybody could get sick.
They renamed it "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" (AIDS), and from there they could raise billions of dollars to "fight it."
Robert Gallo came along and said he found the cause of AIDS. He said it was HIV that caused AIDS. Only one problem: He never had any evidince that this was actually true.
Dr. Peter Duesberg began to speak out that they were wrong about this "HIV/AIDS Hypothesis." Duesberg was the world's leading expert virologist on HIV, as it turned out. He said that HIV is a retrovirus, and all retrovirues are NOT HARMFUL TO HUMANS. They are usually passed from mother to child during childbirth, and they pose no harm at all. That's why he was certain that HIV could not be the cause of a serious illness.
Dr. Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR) started asking questions of the leading experts on AIDS, and he discovered that NONE of them could show ANY research that was ever done that showed that HIV caused AIDS.
So, what is AIDS, and how can we explain that only gay men in the West would "get it" while both sexes would in Africa?
Actually, it is a very simple explanation.
The first thing to wrap your head around is: AIDS does not actually exist. It is not an illness at all. It is not even a medical condition. It is simply a definition in terms.
Did you see how they recently tried to change the definition of "vaccine?" Have you seen how they constantly change the definition of "fully vaccinated?" They played this same con game with AIDS.
The CDC has an official list of 30+ illnesses that they claim are linked to AIDS. If a person has one of these illnesses (such as tuberculosis), AND they are also HIV+, then they are "diagnosed" with AIDS. If they have the exact same illness, and they are HIV-, then they are not diagnosed with AIDS, but only with the illness.
What test determines if the person is HIV positive or negative? If you have watched the Covid scam, you already know the answer. It is the PCR "test."
Mullis died just before the Covid scam started (August 2019). He spoke out about how Fauci and others were MISUSING the PCR method he invented. Obviously, he wasn't talking about PCR use for Covid. He was talking primarily about the misuse of PCR for HIV.
So, someone has one of these 30+ illnesses, and they are given a bogus PCR test. If it comes back "positive," they are deemed to have AIDS.
THAT is what they are calling AIDS.
So, if AIDS is a made up fantasy, if it does not really exist at all, then why then did these people actually die -- only gay men in the West and both sexes in Africa? Well, this is why they wanted to silence Duesberg, because he gave us the answer.
In the 1970's gay men were starting to use drugs to relax the muscles during gay sex. These were called nitrate poppers. They are extremely toxic. In addition, they would have parties and stay awake for days at a time. They would mix cocaine and other drugs in order to do this. These drug cocktails drastically supress the immune system.
All it takes then, is to get one of these illnesses from either someone else or from simply a sick body due to a weak immune system. And they would get sick and die. It was the drugs killing the immune system that made them sick.
In Africa, it was poor people who were getting diseases of poverty. Diarrhea can kill if you don't have good sanitation. This is one of the 30+ illnesses on the CDC list. People in Africa were dying of illnesses they had always died of, but they were now calling it "AIDS." This is the excact same scam they are using today, where people are dying of flu but they are calling it "Covid."
Now, it is entirely possible that there are also parasites that are harming people and killing them. But that does not "cause AIDS." Nothing "causes AIDS" because AIDS does not exist. It is a definition: (a) CDC-listed illness, with (b) PCR+ fake test.
If people do die of parasites, that begs the question: Why are THOSE people getting parasties and dying, but other people exposed to the SAME parasites are not? Many people eat shit food, but not many people "get AIDS."
We should expect that someone who has gone to a STEM school curriculum in the past 20 years or so would be mis-trained into a way of thinking that is not correct. The anon might think he is correct, but he did not explain why one group of people got sick and died while another group exposed to the same food did not.
Toxic drug use, poor sanitation, or just poor health habbits leads to a weak immune system, and that is what leads to sickness and death. Parasites are a problem, but our immune system generally handles them. If we have a weak immune system due to lifestyle issues, then that is when the parasites can take over. This explains why some people can be healty and others will die, even though exposed to the same conditions in the environment.
So at the beginning of this whole shit show when the videos of Mullis came out I started digging into the aids/hiv world. My biggest take away was that fauci "wanted a cure" for decades but the ultimate solution was vaccines will never be the full solution it is better to learn how to treat diseases so they aren't death sentences.
I got to the "intentionally vague" definition of aids and it's all encompassing nature and started getting curious about the t cells and how fauci couldn't answer why the cells up and kill themselves until doctors decades later figure it out.
Ultimately I just don't really know anymore, there's to many ideas, are all viruses actually just parasites or are we dealing with an altered virus from a Chinese lab. Is it "just the flu" with added societal pressure on symptoms? Our side has been to okay in my mind with these conflicting points. If you bring up one to an outsider they will think you are bat shit.