RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay rewatched the clip, we are both right, but he just kinda pulls that intelligence community investigation out of no where. I don't know how we can get proof of that and don't see that when I search for it, just other former intelligence saying he is credible. I can find the letter saying it about the whistleblower that led to impeachment 2.0 but not Grusch.

For all we know they can literally be saying the claim of there is a program being withheld from Congress oversight is credible with it being nothing related to UFOs.

What I said about Grusch getting pre approval on what he wants to say is also true thru the defense office of prepublication and security review.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they investigated his claims and told him what he can say without breaking laws and what he can't as a whistleblower eg individual program names locations publicly, but could in a SCIF but was denied one.

Not the IC but some department that all scriptwriters/movie producers who work with gov to make some part have to submit it to the dept to review what is and isn't allowed to be said publicly.

Eg. Call of duty games having killstreaks for over a decade now involving managing the live direction of a bomb of some sort by joystick, with advice from the military, that is now common in Ukraine with the drones but developed by us then for sure.

RedditAsylumSeeker 7 points ago +7 / -0

Beck and Rush with the tea party movement were my introduction to the idea of the government being a giant overgrown cancerous mess that it is from my parents. I stopped hearing from him once he left Fox but he was always more in our direction compared to say Hannity or O'Reilly used to be to me.

RedditAsylumSeeker 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't get the point still. Sure we know little about him but he was literally the only non establishment person on the stage last night... I don't see how Soros benefits from having Vivek constantly shitting on his ideas publicly while calling out the establishment on their bad faith takes on trump. I feel like if he's doing anything he's setting up 2028 but fuck I would vote for him over the Ohio governor immediately.

RedditAsylumSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was in Cleveland during a really windy day with no rain, I thought I remember the story being it started with a cig thrown the tree beds

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

So can anyone explain to me how China is going to make these international trade deals in their denomination regular/stable if they have time and time again devalued their own currency.

RedditAsylumSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Throwing my uninformed 2 cents in the mix but along the lines of science not craziness, what if the Grammys being right before and being a massively (or they try to still be) broadcasted event could provide cover for energy and radio outputs. Doesn't mean it has to be the Grammys but like the Superbowl is in 3 days as well as to why other nations don't call us on it.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

My understanding is he is moving past the bible to show that there are many stories told across the world that seem to have the same stories with different names. The only explanation I can think of which he somewhat started is that after the end of the ice age and the great floods, there were some survivors who have set the course of modern history.

RedditAsylumSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Personally my view differs from others in that they have built up so much that our natural world around us is the product of millions years of processes like erosion and tectonics. If he's right our world was largely shaped over 1000 years and the melting of the old glaciers and impacts. Fucks up any claim of global warming being a threat imo.

RedditAsylumSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

My take has been similar that it is so obvious Soros hides behinds it but was so quick to drop his ties to it to save his life as a kid. I think WW2 deserves more investigation because it quite literally has shaped the trajectory of the whole modern era. I've become increasingly more open to the idea that some of what we are told about Hitler was propoganda.

What is your take on the Holocaust, I believe millions of people died but it was more than likely the soviets killing and raping everything they found on their way to Berlin and building a cover story on the way a la the famous gas chambers seeming sketch and the larger than 9/11 levels of memorialization in the culture. Gets complicated when you consider Stalin was a Bolshevik jew targeting Jews, much simpler if it's just orders to kill anyone they want.

Hitler asked the Brits for peace 12 times after taking France and they never replied, had a pretty international military of Indian, African, and European groups, was provoked into Poland more than the narrative tells etc... The story just is super opaque still.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's no such thing as an alive saint...

RedditAsylumSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or just wait 1 day til Nov 1st for All Saints day/All Hallow's day etc where I thought I remember being taught in Catholic school that that is why Halloween is named such, as being the eve before All Halos day.

RedditAsylumSeeker 0 points ago +1 / -1

He keeps posting this for some reason even tho it's wrong and is most likely the Russians. I personally don't think it's a warcrime more than launching an artillery is...

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey dumbass why do you keep lying about this when I called you out last time...

RedditAsylumSeeker 4 points ago +4 / -0

I love pointing out to people how massive of a racist Darwin was and how he was a part of the claiming that blacks are genetically inferior.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Intelslavav on telegram hundreds of videos of them dropping grenades on Ukrainians in trenches. Now I just think you're a shill.

RedditAsylumSeeker 0 points ago +2 / -2

I mean I've seen hundreds of these videos from the Russian side... Tbh I think this is the Russians dropping on Ukrainians but idk how to tell

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could also be cover for him going thru and clearing house right now. I'm personally expecting an attack on Taiwan by the end of the day if anything which would result in us not actually defending like Biden said we would.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe electric car fire protocol is literally that, "we can't stop it so contain as much as possible"

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was trying to avoid the khazarian mafias ties to the region and why they both were some of the main SS Forces as well as joined the Russians. In my mind the genocide by Russia was post ww2 during ussr

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

You asked the question that should be pretty obvious given ww2 history knowledge. Ukraines population practically split in two, one joining the Nazis when invaded, the others joining the Russians. Fast forward to now when the Ukrainian Nazis were taken in for their intimate knowledge of the USSR and have since been re released into Ukraine. They still hate Jews and minorities and gays, but they also really fucking hate the Russians.

And have western funding.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing that has thrown that mindset for a loop with me is Taiwan and Ukraine, both globalist supported countries on the doorstep of each nation. If China was to start taking Taiwan I really don't think we'd stop them like Ukraine/Hong Kong with COVID.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hadn't seen that before and immediately went back to the other videos. Can't see the flashes in them but in the ones that have a a couple seconds before it starts collapsing, assuming they were charges, it's a pretty clear ripple going up the tower to me like a third of the way in of the building on each side.

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