I can't with these people anymore...RIP Little One :(
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I'm sorry to hear this....although I've had the exact same experience with my older sister, who unfriended me on FB months ago when I had the audacity to call out her and her friends' hypocrisy on Saint Ruth Ginsburg. I didn't care about the social media part...but when she and her husband stopped talking to us over the election and the stupid virus crap, that was too much. They haven't been to visit in over two years, primarily due to the fact that they're vaxxed and we're not. I love her...she was a better mother to me than our own mother...but I can't enable this behavior and mindset anymore. And so I harden my heart about this a little more each day.
I hope all the truth comes out loud and clear soon, and that it will finally wake up all these stubborn people, but I have a feeling they'll just say the truth is more "right wing conspiracy theory".