They gave up Bagram Air Base because it was not logistically good to get evacuees out. One has nothing to do with the other. Then use Kabul. Why would you turn over Bagram to the Chinese??
And why did they leave people there? They keep talking about those they got out without mentioning a hundred on the most wanted list for terrorism! Never mentioning the older men married to little girls being brought to a country that doesn't believe in pedophilia.
What about leaving them 3.5 billion dollars of our tax money it does not belong to the military to do that!
Don't get me started with the weapons!
An absolute shit show with more zero accountability for the people of the United States and those committing war crimes.
Yet this morning on Great Awakening all I see are jokes and Babylon Bee and making fun while America burns.... Feeling like I'm the only researcher left around here.
TDS is people unwavering in their hatred for Trump. TOS is the opposite. People's who think Trump is perfect and can do no wrong.
Personally I am in the middle. I like Trump, though I don't think he's perfect and made several missteps. Remember, even FBI Anon told no one is clean, not even Trump.
Excuse the interruption but there is a third category if I may? There are those of us who love Trump as a person, a fellow Christian, and a Patriot. We are not slack jawed star chasers that throw all our hopes on one person. We believe that it takes ALL OF US to accomplish this task that our Living God (not Trump 👀) has put before us, a challenge if you will. We rise to the challenge, even as we glance around to identify the strongest rising with us. Their strength and wisdom is our fuel, the absolute certainty that our beloved God wins ALWAYS is our assurance, and together we march forward… an unstoppable force. We know it is a long road so before we join the battle, we situate our houses. There is no turning back, no surrender, only glory to God and an undeniable drive to right the wrongs visited against the innocent. Trump is a phenomenal President. He’s fair but firm. I would be blessed to ride at his side straight into hell, not because I’m overzealous about him, but because I am certain he will do everything in his power to see to it we ride straight back outta hell too, mission complete. The written word is our secret weapon and we wield it like a two handed 75 pound great sword… mind your head 😈 ~We are pedes, anons, digital soldiers~