posted ago by Jackdagger ago by Jackdagger +28 / -1

I know I myself can be guilty of dooming but let me explain something to the doubters and what I think about when the going gets tough:

1: Game Theory/Adoption Rate - Think of our movement as being in its infancy. In a matter of 5 short years we have fully exposed all the worlds elites and more people are waking up EVERY DAY. The sleeping giant is rising and they cant stop the mass awakening.

2: The system is losing its minions. I will just say I work regularly with Civilians, Military, and contractors with DOD. I am hearing and seeing tons of retirements and people refusing to take the vax. Many see this as bad but i see this as people who are sticking to their morals and if push comes to shove will be a huge line of defense in the future with in depth knowledge of how the system works

3: Remote work and freedom of movement are rapidly expanding. While our supply chains suck right now the ability to work remote allows homeschooling and entrepreneurship to flourish as well as the family unit

4: The 2 party system has been laid bare and is forcing us to take action, learn laws, and take back our boards and politics. It also is showing us to believe in God/Faith/Fellow Humanity instead of pompus control freak leaders and elites.

5: No attempts at disarming have been successful and even if they pass laws it is clear that they do not have the foot soldiers to back it up. Especially with the mass exodus we are seeing from the forced vax. Remember these are the same people who cant even pay antifa to do their bidding or get away with a FF.

6: No one from Q team has called for violence or any action other than political action. Unless this is the greatest psyop of all time which I doubt, then if things were that desperate the rhetoric would be calling for some kind of revolution and that is not the case.

The entrenched megalomaniacs are scared of us. They know we outnumber them at least 100k to 1.

I could go on forever about all the positive aspects but I just wanted to share the reasons I am hopeful even during dark times and why I believe no matter how dark it gets the truth will come out and we will win and rebuild in a truly amazing way.