Not gonna be making friends with this post- well, that's never been my goal with any post so whatever. But things need to be said. Hard, truthful things.
So it seems some of you need to educate yourselves on what an audit is. I will give you an easy to understand example:
The IRS audits you because supposedly you're behind on taxes. This entails evaluating your income sources and confirming that the numbers are what has been reported to them. They do not at any point CHANGE your numbers. An audit is NOT A RECOUNT. It is simply a detailed expiation of how the numbers resulted the way they did. In the case of the AZ audit, they conducted a recount and confirmed the sources of the recount that resulted in the numbers that we were told. At no point does the audit change the election outcome. That is not it's purpose.
Nor too will any decertification happen right away. Sorry to be the one to rip the tape off your eyes, but justice moves fucking slow. You have been conditioned to live in a world where everything is instant. Instant gratification. Instant entertainment, instant results in everything possible. This is not the case with our court systems. And probably never will be as by design. No, we aren't going to get what we want right away and there is the looming possibly that this may ride out one more year. I don't know. No one does. Even Q is ambiguous. But that doesn't mean things aren't happening. Yes it feels like an uphill battle and I get the frustrations, but conflating your anger with intellectual dishonesty is the wrong way to go and I will call out every one of you mother fuckers that does this very irrational and detrimental practice. If you need to vent your anger fine. I not only support, but I encourage it to clear your mind of all the garbage and demonic thoughts trying to confuse and placate you. But do NOT go so far as to promote anti-American ideals such as not voting.
You know what they called someone who didn't vote? An idiot. You know what that translates to by todays standards? A stupid dumb fuck who deserves to be subjugated. Yes. Our vote has been violated, but that doesn't mean we stop. Trump overcame their cheat engine in 2016. They couldn't do anything to stop it. His term was about exposing corruption and laying traps all which will be revealed when the time is right. Until then, you better get the fuck out and vote. They want you to give up. They want you to stay home. That is how they win. We cannot allow this.
Also, looking ahead at future elections does NOT mean that Trump has packed it in and is moving on. I won't pretend to know everything, but he and his team are capable of planning ahead while still fixing the present as we saw when he was in office.
If you aren't satisfied with the happenings, then get the fuck off your computer and go do something about it. Complaining on this forum doesn't magically influence anyone. Getting involved in your local politics does. You want to change things for the better, then fucking do it. Otherwise most of my responses to senseless whining will be telling you to get the fuck off the internet and do something (not to be confused with articulated venting). Shit is about to get real fucking hard for all of us soon. It is right here and now we need to find our strengths and get ready for the final battle. But the fight never ends. Even if we succeed we have to make sure we can keep a better world for everyone. More on that in a future post.
Grow a pair and stand strong, friends. We can do this!
Oh... if needs be we can go to swift justice... but daddy hasn't signaled that so just keep your guns cleaned and nothing more... for now.