Spartacus Letter. Every Anon Should Read. Lots of Great Covid/Vaccine/Great Reset Info!
As the title says: please read all Anons. This is a fantastic summary on where things stand with Covid, the Vaccines, the Great Reset, and good Red Pills! Page down past the top little error looking message to the start of the letter. No name to who wrote it, but they know a whole lot about the issues of the CDC’s weaponization, and the science of Covid, the Vaccines, and the Great Reset. Just all around well done and easy for anyone to understand.
In severe hypoxia, cellular metabolic shifts cause ATP to break down into hypoxanthine, which, upon the reintroduction of oxygen, causes xanthine oxidase to produce tons of highly damaging radicals that attack tissue.172–175 In the mitochondria, succinate buildup due to sepsis-induced hypoxia does the same exact thing; when oxygen is reintroduced, it makes superoxide radicals.176–179 This is called ischemia-reperfusion injury, and it’s why the majority of people who go on a ventilator are dying. Make no mistake, intubation will kill people who have COVID-19 by greatly accelerating the oxidative damage caused by the virus’s processes.
They're killing people with ventilators, which we've known for a long time. This shows how