She's 20 years old, athletic, a knock out and just one of those people everyone loves to be around. A winner.
Well, she was forced to take the jab to go to school (Chemical Engineering), and she has gotten "the cold" three times since (got the shot in May).
She just "recovered" from her last cold and she said it was the worst strep throat she's ever had, she couldn't walk, talk or eat solid food, could barely open her eyes and had a migraine for nearly a week straight.
She has never fully recovered after the first cold she had. She claims she's always tired and lethargic. Headaches and can't focus.
Is now beginning to think it's the shots. The slow wake. She looks like a zombie.
Winter will be hard, perhaps unsurvivable for her. Unfortunate but it looks like it did what it was meant to. Immune supression (CD-8 Killer T-Cells). Everyday viral illnesses may become life threatening, internal Cancer fighting and prevention mechanism fucked as well.