Comms of 11.4 are coming. You know the drill. Durham has been going in fire and Trump is no longer asking where Durham is. When the media is panicking and when the audit is being shown, everything is coming big. Look to those stars in the NBA, Kyrie, Nicki Minaj, and even FJB chants, America is soon to break free from all of these. If only the other countries could break free too like the Philippines.
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Jake Sullivan, Hillarys foreign policy advisor, played a big role, along with Sussman, in disseminating the fake Alfa Bank story. Podesta was Hillarys campaign manager. Sullivan didnt do anything without the go from Podesta.
The Alfa Bank garbage goes hand in hand with the abuse of the FISA 702 querys by contractors probably including Perkins Coie.
Durham seems to be moving up the chain to Hillary. My biggest worry though is that he will leave the corrupt FBI and CIA and their intelligence assessment alone, perserving the "duped by bad actors" institutions.
This has to go all the way up through the FBI and CIA to Obama, Biden, Comey, Lynch, Rice, Brennan and anyone else that was in that meeting in January 2017 or knew about it. Rosenstein, Mueller, Wiseman must be shown to be the clean up crew.
Getting one or two will not sate the desire for Justce. All traitors must be held accountable or we have lost.
If we don't eradicate them they will come back like crabgrass.