Keep in mind when you take the jab to protect your position, your job, it will be of little use or comfort in the event of death or an adverse reaction such as a blood clot resulting in stroke, cancer, heart attack, etc. You give an inch it will never end: 2 shots, a booster, then yearly boosters, then the flu shot combined with Covid shot.
Keep in mind when you take the jab to protect your position, your job, it will be of little use or comfort in the event of death or an adverse reaction such as a blood clot resulting in stroke, cancer, heart attack, etc. You give an inch it will never end: 2 shots, a booster, then yearly boosters, then the flu shot combined with Covid shot.
And, there's nothing to stop them from firing you the week after anyway.
They are demanding you comply to their demands and offer nothing in return.
If they force a jab, make them sign a 5 year employment contract with inbuilt pay raises etc.
Then don't get the jab and look for a better job anyway, people that coerce others need to be shunned from society