The Germans were fighting communists. The Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians and attempted a failed coup in 1933, were the reason Hitler rose to power... because the German people were terrified the KPD were setting the table to pull the same shit that the Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution did in 1917 when they murdered ten million Christians.
Seeing communists hanged on live TV? Stop, I can only get so erect.
The Germans were fighting communists. The Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians and attempted a failed coup in 1933, were the reason Hitler rose to power... because the German people were terrified the KPD were setting the table to pull the same shit that the Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution did in 1917 when they murdered ten million Christians.
Hitler identified as a nationalist socialist and this is literally his definition of socialism.
The Germans were literally fighting the globalist New World Order communist bankers such as the Rothschilds.
We don't want to be associated with socialism.