Listening to X22 tonight.
What if "Texas" is the first state to decertify??? The normies couldn't really complain.
Because Trump won the state!
If that happens. It could trigger other states that Trump won to do an audit.
They could figure out the "real" numbers of the election.
This might be a good option.
Perhaps understand the tone you are making when posting, it came across as shill.
Like this tone:
It’s called research. Try it.
Did you feel it?
Perhaps you misunderstood the tone. Try being a little more positive.
Stop reading into stuff negatively like its some sooper secret ulterior motive before researching it then...
Besides, I am sure autists would have figured it out less than 2500 shows ago. 😂
I'm the one reading into stuff?
Run along, you got some researching to do!