It's getting pretty scary on Oahu. My husband and I have a small business here and refuse to get the shot. We would love to stay and fight for our freedom but with a seven month old baby I'm afraid of the consequences of participating in any possible revolution, which may or may not come to fruition at this point.
Trusting the plan currently but at what point should we be getting the fuck out of dodge? We have plans to leave at the end of the year if things don't turn around. What should we do?
Not sure where else to turn. My husband asked me to post on here and get a temperature check/some advice from fellow patriots with more perspective.
Edit: Wow, I got stickied! Thanks to everyone for your opinions. We have our exit strategy in place. The main issue is the business we’ve worked so hard to build from the ground up. Moving away means starting over and that’s pretty soul crushing for us.
If things are already getting pretty scary and if there wasn't some extremely compelling reason to stay, I'd be concerned that waiting till the end of the year may be too late. I'm not sure things will turn around by the end of the year and in fact that may be when things are getting worse. If the doctors are correct, there will be a lot of deaths of the vaxxed this fall/winter and leaving once that starts may become more problematic just in terms of people being available to do their normal jobs regarding transportation and whatever other arrangements are required for you to leave.
On the other hand, the feeling seems to be (based on things happening, things I read and videos I listen to) that a lot of possible make-or-break things could occur in October, including a possible financial upheaval, the fed government being broke by mid October if they don't raise the debt ceiling, Durham's indictments, etc., and then there's the general unrest being caused by the vaxx mandates. So I'd carefully watch what these things may portend through the month of October, as that may also give you a better idea of whether to leave sooner than the end of the year or wait it out.
We have a store here which has taken 3 years to build up to where it’s at. That’s the main thing keeping us here. Right now there’s a 60-day mandate for restaurants and bars but mid-November is when that ends and from what I’m hearing they will try to make it 100% mandatory here after that.
They are going to destroy your business anyway so forget about it. If others find out you're an "antivaxxer" they wont come to your store and biden's 700k fines for business not doing the vax passport scheme will ruin any patriot.
As others have said, they are going after air travel hard. I am sure even boats will eventually demand a vax passport to board so unless you want to stay on an island forever, I'd suggest looking to get out.
Or the same thing that has been happening the past nine months, will happen in October.
Not much to sink a normies’ teeth into and then November 1 comes.