That's been going on for quite a while with other countries.
It's to do with the lack of passenger flights. When you take them away, you take a vast majority of your available air freight slots away.
When you diminish pax flights, you diminish staff at airports. When you do that, it breaks down the logistics chain.
You create a bottle neck. Country A has backed up parcels and limited flights going out, Country B has limited flights coming in, less need for airport staff, Country A needs less airport staff because of less flights. Country B can only accept finite amount of cargo flights per airport, per day because of SOP. Repeat for Country A.
It goes in a cycle. There are only so many planes fitted for cargo. Pax + cargo is aux. You can't run a near empty pax flight with regular cargo as its not feasible for the airline nor the airport.
That's been going on for quite a while with other countries.
It's to do with the lack of passenger flights. When you take them away, you take a vast majority of your available air freight slots away.
When you diminish pax flights, you diminish staff at airports. When you do that, it breaks down the logistics chain.
You create a bottle neck. Country A has backed up parcels and limited flights going out, Country B has limited flights coming in, less need for airport staff, Country A needs less airport staff because of less flights. Country B can only accept finite amount of cargo flights per airport, per day because of SOP. Repeat for Country A.
It goes in a cycle. There are only so many planes fitted for cargo. Pax + cargo is aux. You can't run a near empty pax flight with regular cargo as its not feasible for the airline nor the airport.