Seems like twitter was one of the ds form of communication. Having Trump banned and all of his followers boycotting their site might help them communicate more easily. If we all flooded twitter they might not be able to get their agenda out to the necessary people? Just a thought.
I would like him to use patriot-related sites INSTEAD of Twit, FB, YT etc. If we knew he was always posting on maybe brighteon, frankspeech, etc half the country might get off the former and join the latter. They could lose a lot of income that way.
He only needs : My fellow Americans...
I swear if he rick rolls us instead I'll probably stop visiting this site for at least a few hours.
Seems like twitter was one of the ds form of communication. Having Trump banned and all of his followers boycotting their site might help them communicate more easily. If we all flooded twitter they might not be able to get their agenda out to the necessary people? Just a thought.
The only reason to even visit Twitter is to watch for that 'one' post.
I would like him to use patriot-related sites INSTEAD of Twit, FB, YT etc. If we knew he was always posting on maybe brighteon, frankspeech, etc half the country might get off the former and join the latter. They could lose a lot of income that way.
I would never get back to Twitter.
He Obviously has something in Mind...Don't you think...?