Even better that the main source for the claim in the headline is the CIA. Then the article sucks off Joe Biden and complains about Trump (who said it was mostly fake news and was likely China). More CIA crap. Just saw a line about "muh experts" as well. And the whole article is basically anti-Russian propaganda cooked up by the deepstate to try and justify a war with Russia, like what would have likely happened if Killary won.
Final line in the article is this quote "The Russian cyber operations reveal sustained vulnerabilities in the public and private sectors that cannot be mitigated by threatening to impose ‘costs’ on those seeking to do the United States harm in cyberspace."
Sounds like Russia Stole the Election 2: Electric Boogaloo
So I've only skimmed it but that article is a fucking disaster and that's no surprise coming from the disaster of a fake news, anti-America outlet that Fox News is.
(What even is the article talking about? They don't once mention what "hack" they're talking about.)
Still no evidence of "muh Russia". Only people claiming they "suspect" them. Even worse coming from fake news sites and corrupt politicians.
And who's to say the people who got hacked are good, to begin with? It seems that every government agency is corrupt so whether it was Russia or not, why is hacking corrupt deepstate controlled agencies a bad thing? How is that anti-American? True Americans/the people lose nothing. Could have very well been the white hats who did it and since the media doesn't want to acknowledge they exist they blame it on Russia. Or maybe Russia is working with the white hats so it's technically true but not a bad thing. Again, the "enemies of America" are the ones who got hacked (regardless of who did the hack).
I linked to a senate report and two unaffiliated news sources corroborating the attack and Russia's role in it. That's a lot more evidence than you've provided.
But while youre spinning a fantasy narrative to protect Putin, American infrastructure is now less secure and American's data is in the hands of Russian cyber terrorists. That's not the deep state, thats average Americans who were targeted by Putin.
It is truly bizarre how much you support our enemies. You have been tragically manipulated and brainwashed into siding with our enemies.
You did no such thing. The last two links you provided only mention Russia 4 times combined. There's absolutely zero evidence provided in them that Russia was behind it. They specify that it was "likely" Russia. AKA they have no fucking idea.
The Senate report simply says "It is important that the public understand the current, persistent information conflict the United States finds itself in against nation state adversaries like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea"
The other article states "U.S. intelligence services said last month that Russia was “likely” behind the SolarWinds breach, which they said appeared to be aimed at collecting intelligence rather than destructive acts."
"The operation, which was identified in December and that the U.S. government has said was likely orchestrated by Russia, breached software made by SolarWinds Corp, giving hackers access to thousands of companies and government offices that used its products."
as well as
"Russia has denied responsibility for the hacking campaign."
Those are all the times Russia was mentioned.
So this is basically he said she said. No proof is provided and you're just supposed to trust the corrupt government and media in their claim that it was "muh Russia". The whole thing is just "trust me I'm the gubmint!".
None of your sources are particularly reputable and are very likely corrupt and pushing an agenda (and don't forget have still failed to provide a single shred of evidence for their claims).
Could be Russia, could be China, could be the CIA. The point is we don't know. Trump said it was China and that the media coverage was mostly fake, Pompeo said it was Russia (and both of them would have been in the know on the situation). Theories and conflicting claims most of which are from dubious sources seem to be all that there is at this point.
There's also the fact that "muh Russia" is a known propaganda tactic employed by the deepstate and corrupt media. I wonder why a cabal of satan worshipping pedophiles would take every opportunity to slander Russia and Putin? Maybe he's evil and they don't want the competition. Or maybe they go so hard against him like they do Trump because he's one of the people fighting the good fight against the cabal. Either of these are possible, we don't know.
China and the CIA, on the other hand, are confirmed enemies of America and are much more likely culprits.
I'm brainwashed into supporting our enemies and you're a subpar shill who is incredibly obvious.
I will concede, though, that I hadn't read the articles thoroughly enough and thought that the only victims of the attack were the U.S. Treasury, Justice, and Commerce departments. In reality, it says that up to 18000 customers could have been affected. So I was wrong about the attack only affecting the corrupt government.
Nice, more fake news. That's 2 for 2.
Even better that the main source for the claim in the headline is the CIA. Then the article sucks off Joe Biden and complains about Trump (who said it was mostly fake news and was likely China). More CIA crap. Just saw a line about "muh experts" as well. And the whole article is basically anti-Russian propaganda cooked up by the deepstate to try and justify a war with Russia, like what would have likely happened if Killary won.
Final line in the article is this quote "The Russian cyber operations reveal sustained vulnerabilities in the public and private sectors that cannot be mitigated by threatening to impose ‘costs’ on those seeking to do the United States harm in cyberspace."
Sounds like Russia Stole the Election 2: Electric Boogaloo
So I've only skimmed it but that article is a fucking disaster and that's no surprise coming from the disaster of a fake news, anti-America outlet that Fox News is.
(What even is the article talking about? They don't once mention what "hack" they're talking about.)
Try harder shill.
Why are you so desparate to defend the enemies of America?
Here's another source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cyber-solarwinds-microsoft-idUSKBN2AF03R
And the Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Marco Rubio describing the attack:
Still no evidence of "muh Russia". Only people claiming they "suspect" them. Even worse coming from fake news sites and corrupt politicians.
And who's to say the people who got hacked are good, to begin with? It seems that every government agency is corrupt so whether it was Russia or not, why is hacking corrupt deepstate controlled agencies a bad thing? How is that anti-American? True Americans/the people lose nothing. Could have very well been the white hats who did it and since the media doesn't want to acknowledge they exist they blame it on Russia. Or maybe Russia is working with the white hats so it's technically true but not a bad thing. Again, the "enemies of America" are the ones who got hacked (regardless of who did the hack).
I linked to a senate report and two unaffiliated news sources corroborating the attack and Russia's role in it. That's a lot more evidence than you've provided.
But while youre spinning a fantasy narrative to protect Putin, American infrastructure is now less secure and American's data is in the hands of Russian cyber terrorists. That's not the deep state, thats average Americans who were targeted by Putin.
It is truly bizarre how much you support our enemies. You have been tragically manipulated and brainwashed into siding with our enemies.
You did no such thing. The last two links you provided only mention Russia 4 times combined. There's absolutely zero evidence provided in them that Russia was behind it. They specify that it was "likely" Russia. AKA they have no fucking idea.
The Senate report simply says "It is important that the public understand the current, persistent information conflict the United States finds itself in against nation state adversaries like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea"
The other article states "U.S. intelligence services said last month that Russia was “likely” behind the SolarWinds breach, which they said appeared to be aimed at collecting intelligence rather than destructive acts."
"The operation, which was identified in December and that the U.S. government has said was likely orchestrated by Russia, breached software made by SolarWinds Corp, giving hackers access to thousands of companies and government offices that used its products."
as well as
"Russia has denied responsibility for the hacking campaign."
Those are all the times Russia was mentioned.
So this is basically he said she said. No proof is provided and you're just supposed to trust the corrupt government and media in their claim that it was "muh Russia". The whole thing is just "trust me I'm the gubmint!".
None of your sources are particularly reputable and are very likely corrupt and pushing an agenda (and don't forget have still failed to provide a single shred of evidence for their claims).
Could be Russia, could be China, could be the CIA. The point is we don't know. Trump said it was China and that the media coverage was mostly fake, Pompeo said it was Russia (and both of them would have been in the know on the situation). Theories and conflicting claims most of which are from dubious sources seem to be all that there is at this point.
There's also the fact that "muh Russia" is a known propaganda tactic employed by the deepstate and corrupt media. I wonder why a cabal of satan worshipping pedophiles would take every opportunity to slander Russia and Putin? Maybe he's evil and they don't want the competition. Or maybe they go so hard against him like they do Trump because he's one of the people fighting the good fight against the cabal. Either of these are possible, we don't know.
China and the CIA, on the other hand, are confirmed enemies of America and are much more likely culprits.
I'm brainwashed into supporting our enemies and you're a subpar shill who is incredibly obvious.
I will concede, though, that I hadn't read the articles thoroughly enough and thought that the only victims of the attack were the U.S. Treasury, Justice, and Commerce departments. In reality, it says that up to 18000 customers could have been affected. So I was wrong about the attack only affecting the corrupt government.