Except our job isn't to be frontline soldiers fighting directly against the cabal, it's to awaken our fellow countrymen and spread the truth, as well as take action locally. Q doesn't need to post for us to continue to do this, their part of the plan can continue as intended in the background parallel to our part in the open.
I understand that, but what happens when Q doesn't uphold his/their end of the plan and deliver justice? What if the cabal is still running free and destroying our country and our lives in the process? At what point do we consider the plan to have been a wash and actually do anything to fight it ourselves outside of tweeting about it and putting up posters? When they come to our doors for us and our children? By then it's too late.
That's an issue I've been thinking about for a while. The only way getting involved locally works is if the root of the problem is removed, yet there's no outward confirmation of that happening. People are having their lives destroyed for not complying, and what's going on with that military that's supposed to save us?
Either way, economic collapse will happen soon. I don't imagine many will be peaceful and trust the plan by then when they can't feed their families.
Either way, economic collapse will happen soon. I don't imagine many will be peaceful and trust the plan by then when they can't feed their families.
Yeah it feels like it's all a moot point by now given that the economy will crash, and when it does the plan kind of goes out the window. We may be able to exercise the patience of saints because we're more or less "in the know", but the average person? When people can't feed themselves anymore and when people start dying off from the vaccine I don't see this being "swift and clean" as promised by Q. And now that 75% or more of the military is vaccinated and the rest are getting out, I don't see them as the answer either.
I guess we'll see. Can't say I have a whole lot of confidence in "the plan" right now.
You might want to read an essay by Ted Turner, "My Beef With Big Media." Good synopsis of what happened to independent media. Now we're living with the mess of losing what little the country once had of responsible journalism. So lies are poured into mesmerized people's brains via their hypnobots 24/7.
Except our job isn't to be frontline soldiers fighting directly against the cabal, it's to awaken our fellow countrymen and spread the truth, as well as take action locally. Q doesn't need to post for us to continue to do this, their part of the plan can continue as intended in the background parallel to our part in the open.
I understand that, but what happens when Q doesn't uphold his/their end of the plan and deliver justice? What if the cabal is still running free and destroying our country and our lives in the process? At what point do we consider the plan to have been a wash and actually do anything to fight it ourselves outside of tweeting about it and putting up posters? When they come to our doors for us and our children? By then it's too late.
That's an issue I've been thinking about for a while. The only way getting involved locally works is if the root of the problem is removed, yet there's no outward confirmation of that happening. People are having their lives destroyed for not complying, and what's going on with that military that's supposed to save us?
Either way, economic collapse will happen soon. I don't imagine many will be peaceful and trust the plan by then when they can't feed their families.
Yeah it feels like it's all a moot point by now given that the economy will crash, and when it does the plan kind of goes out the window. We may be able to exercise the patience of saints because we're more or less "in the know", but the average person? When people can't feed themselves anymore and when people start dying off from the vaccine I don't see this being "swift and clean" as promised by Q. And now that 75% or more of the military is vaccinated and the rest are getting out, I don't see them as the answer either.
I guess we'll see. Can't say I have a whole lot of confidence in "the plan" right now.
You might want to read an essay by Ted Turner, "My Beef With Big Media." Good synopsis of what happened to independent media. Now we're living with the mess of losing what little the country once had of responsible journalism. So lies are poured into mesmerized people's brains via their hypnobots 24/7.