True, but technology has changed much since he wrote the book and it was a LONG time ago when I read it.
I am a vegetarian and view veganism a bit too extreme for people. As to my post that garnered 2 negatives vvv:
I have a newspaper entry from a flakey writer that tried to shame hunters for killing precious critters when they can go to a store where no animals were harmed.
My comments about new technology applies to the post about aquaponics.
My horror at lab grown meat holds just because whoever is developing it CAN alter it to do nefarious things. If Gates is involved....nuff said.
True, but technology has changed much since he wrote the book and it was a LONG time ago when I read it. I am a vegetarian and view veganism a bit too extreme for people. As to my post that garnered 2 negatives vvv: I have a newspaper entry from a flakey writer that tried to shame hunters for killing precious critters when they can go to a store where no animals were harmed.
My comments about new technology applies to the post about aquaponics.
My horror at lab grown meat holds just because whoever is developing it CAN alter it to do nefarious things. If Gates is involved....nuff said.