NIH & Stanford & Federal Govt = Making FLU SEXY AGAIN🤡👀 WTH - They literally are not HIDING the PLANDEMIC
Also posting to SaVE this record for Future💥💥💥💥
🧠 These people are stupid!
Listen with Awakened EARS to the self-righteousness of these Lunatics!
They can’t help themselves - so full of Arrogance they’re telling the world of the deceptive plans🤡
Universal Vaccine was the GOAL and $$$$$$$$$ and CONTROL
GOD help US ALL🙏🏻 I “identify as VACCINATED” - that’s always my answer
What are they worried about? Wasn't the flu eradicated last year?
They manufacture the problem while having the so called solution in hand. Mass vaxxination weakens the immune system leaving previously young and health individuals vulnerable. They are "quickly" developing a situation where vaxxed individuals that manage to survive the adverse effects will need these vaxxines simply to stay alive.
Influenza has been driven by the vaxxine industry along with other emerging infectious disease. Most have been lab created and have not developed organically. Now with the help of AI, we will be subject to all manner of Frankenstein pathogens. But what is even more disturbing, and easily seen if one takes the time to step back and think logically, is that the so called treatments and preventions for these threats will be, and are, more harmful than what the original threat ever could be. This is by design and only know by those at the upper end of the food chain. The compartmentalized drones that actually believe they are serving a just cause have no idea about the real motivations that lie behind their actions. They are too close to the forest to actually see the trees. These misguided people are reaching for something that is unachievable by human industry - immortality.
Illness in vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and the very young, is simply part of the cycle of life. The modern pharma driven medical system has taken normal life processes and turned them into diseases that require treatment. This is in addition to the diseases they cause by contaminated air, food, and water, all the stresses of modern life, topped off by ever increasing EMF exposure, and the massive amounts of prescription drugs used to treat those conditions. Staying healthy for the duration of how ever many years the Almighty has allowed us, is still the best strategy to living those allotted years to the best and fullest that we are able. We are beautifully and wonderfully made. Man cannot improve on what the Almighty created as good - man's interference and tinkering with the code of life can only destroy that good.