I have a question maybe someone here can answer. According to the IG, the Fucking Bureau of Idiots did NOT provide the "supporting documentation" needed for the warrants, YET, the court approved them. Why?
Is the court in cahoots with the Bureau?
Here is some information to assist you.
Rosemary Collyer, Rudolph Contreras, James Boasberg, and ?
WSJ Reports Four Separate FISA Court Judges Approved Renewals To Carter Page Surveillance…
Declassified DOJ Letter to FISA Court Highlights Severe Institutional Corruption – DOJ Blames FBI For Spygate…
Understanding the Institutional Protection Racket Via Congress, Main Justice DOJ, FBI and FISA Court
FISA Judges Collyer and Boasberg Both Identified NSA Databases Used for Political Surveillance…
I guess my point is that everyone is placing the blame solely on the Bureau, but it is shared blame.
Yes, I agree. All of the links I posted demonstrate how corrupt the FISA court is. SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts is in charge of the FISA. The corruption goes all the way to the top of our judiciary in my opinion.
The entire fucking govt is corrupt and needs to go, IMO. I just needed to say what no one was saying, the court is just as responsible as the Bureau.
There we go, that makes more sense now! Almost seemed like you were implying the courts were pristine.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! I'm not sure why you were reading that in my comments.