First I received a pamphlet in the mail stating the FDA has approved a Covid vax so let's get you signed up for the jab. I called the number and asked about the FDA approved one. After a long hold they read me a long explanation from the CDC.
I asked if the FDA approved one was available. They put me on hold again and again read me a statement about how the EUA jab and FDA version are "interchangeable" so not to worry.
I told them I was needed the FDA approved and they informed me that is is FDA approved under EUA. I replied that it was still considered experimental medicine without the FDA approval.
I said that if I take the EUA jab that Pfizer cannot be held liable and that I needed to locate the FDA approved. She tried to tell me again that they are "interchangeable" I replied that I wouldn't have legal recourse if I had an adverse reaction because it was still considered experimental.
At that moment all the brain gears, levers, and wheels, all lubricated with pure CDC horse shit, stopped working in a extraordinary display of reaching the edge of their reality and the barrier between truth and cognitive dissonance. The vocal chords created a jumbled smash up sound trying to work without any signals being sent. When the clarity ended and cognitive dissonance again took hold I was asked to be put on hold again. I said that was all I needed to know and hung up.
Well worth it.
It screws with THEIR narrative & watching them defend it puts em in their place. They think everyone's stupid.