I said it along with other truth bombs on a Meniere's page and they kicked me off without even telling me. Just because I truthfully answered a person who posted asking if he should get the second jab after having reactions to the first. Well they will figure it out. Just wish I was still on just so I could drop off one more piece of info proving the jab causes a lot of people to have pretty much all the symptoms of Meniere's. And they had been discussing that they think the virus may have given them MD, not once (except the person asking the question) did the close minded idiots consider it could be the vaxx.
I said it along with other truth bombs on a Meniere's page and they kicked me off without even telling me. Just because I truthfully answered a person who posted asking if he should get the second jab after having reactions to the first. Well they will figure it out. Just wish I was still on just so I could drop off one more piece of info proving the jab causes a lot of people to have pretty much all the symptoms of Meniere's. And they had been discussing that they think the virus may have given them MD, not once (except the person asking the question) did the close minded idiots consider it could be the vaxx.