Misconception about Q supporters
I was one of these people who thought your guys were full of it. Well, the Red October is beginning to make me think twice.
That being said, I need to address a possible misconception I may or may not have about Q supporters. I completely get, and agree with the fact that you want to explore all avenues of legal justice to bring the cabal down.
Folks over at TheDonald seem to be under the impression that Q supporters think bowing down to the Communists is "part of the plan" That's incorrect, right?
Bowing to comminism is NOT the plan.
The "plan" is to get rid of it and prevent it from ever taking hold again.
The big difference is people who belive in the plan know that NCSWIC. Where as typically on the_Donald its every man for himself. There is no plan in their eyes.
The way they see it, they decided the plan was to prevent the election steal. Since that did not happen they cast everything around it to the side like it was all a LARP.
They refuse to consider evidence and ridicule everything counter to their belief much like the covidiots do about vaccine truths.
I once heard that TDW was "an island full of rabid Tasmanian devils hopped up on Ritalin, kicking each other in the balls and jerking off", so naturally, I had to check it out....
I was hooked, and eventually found my way here :) we have the best Frens.