Misconception about Q supporters
I was one of these people who thought your guys were full of it. Well, the Red October is beginning to make me think twice.
That being said, I need to address a possible misconception I may or may not have about Q supporters. I completely get, and agree with the fact that you want to explore all avenues of legal justice to bring the cabal down.
Folks over at TheDonald seem to be under the impression that Q supporters think bowing down to the Communists is "part of the plan" That's incorrect, right?
If we embrace Q-tard and wear it like armor, it will have no power. At the very least I don't get offended by the intellectually dishonest word. I know I am right and no amount of senseless insults will change that.
I created this name for exactly that reason. Got tired of seeing my folks getting shit on and created a semi ambiguous name to join in the conversation. Since I attacked the msg and not the messenger they weren't always sure if I was with or against them. It worked pretty well until I felt like I was just spinning my tires and retired here.
For Rizzle my Qizzle.