Guys, I have been reading about the clot shots. They are all very bad and should be pulled from the market. Now I have a question that I am wondering about.
We know that ivermectin, quercetin, zinc, Vit C, and Vit D can stop the covid in its tracks. Ivermection works on the regular flu, My son was very sick with something the other week and I gave him ivermectin, zinc and vit C. In 2hours he was better, the next day he was out on his dirt bike while his friends were very sick.
Now here is my question, the AstraZeneca poison is a viral vector and not mRNA like the pfizer and bill gates shot from mederna. So if I start ivermectin, Zinc, vit C&D, Quercetin, NAC, and aspirin before getting needle raped and continue it after the shot for a few weeks, will this mitigate some of the dangers of the shot?
I think I am going to be forced to be medically raped soon and I have the vaxed protocol listed above. I have held out but the no fly list will screw me and I cant let my family lose everything if I lose my job. I am trying to find a way to mitigate the damage. I absolutely do not want to take the mRNA poison.
We need people to hold the line... accept that things will get rough...if you have held out for this long, you may have been chosen by God to be part of the light for others. Apply for a religious exemption.
My job wont require it, but I need to be able to fly.....I am fucked. Fuck you trudeau.
Be strong my friend... nobody needs to fly. We are all facing hardships but those of us with clear heads must show the way for the rest of the world... your resolve will help many people - you just won't know the full impact of your actions.
I am waiting to see if there might be a challenge to this under the charter of rights. But I aint holding my breath. Canada has lost its way. trudeau is screwing canada and it is well on the way to a great reset. Make no mistake I am very aware of what is happening and I am feeling simply hopeless. My job requires me to go to remote locations. I can drag it out but there is a point where I am only one guy, I am surrounded by cucks. If there were a protest here, it would be that the push for vax is not strong enough.