As we all know, pepe is a mainstay symbol of our movement, providing joy and meme morale, when there isnt much else.
I have long pondered the link between Jesus, and Kek. Upon searching i found, the gods name in question is actually, Heket, or Heqat.
The bible verse in Exodus 8:4 "frogs will come upon you and your peoples, and your officials"
This led me down another path of learning, and in such, i came across a few things i will paraphrase below.
"Heqat is associated with unborn babies, childbirth, and the first few crucial minutes of a child's life. Her priestesses, called the Servants of Heqat, train to be midwives and help Egypt's women bring babies safely into the world."
"According to Greek-style Osiris myths, Heqat helped Horus the Younger breathe when he was born. Tiny frog statues were dedicated to her as the one who helped Horus survive and Osiris be resurrected. These frogs, carved with the phrase "I am the Resurrection," reminded early Christians of Jesus's teaching of the same phrase—so Heqat's frog became a Christian symbol. Fancy that."
Is there a deeper, more meaningful connection we have been missing this whole time, in terms of why Kek/Heqat is the face of our movement?
The parallelism im seeing between Exodus and now, along with revelations, considering Heqats involvement with protecting babies, and ressurection (christ returned) we could truly be looking at biblical times, friends.
Source for Heqat stuff :
Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan on Pepe, KEK Origin, Meme Wars, Mythology and the Age of Chaos.
What is the most perfect antithesis to ordered evil and tyranny? Chaos with a moral vision and an attack vector that is constantly changing and shifting and cannot be constrained or categorized.
Lawful Evil vs. Chaotic Good.
Heqat's name sounds a lot like the word for a measure of grain in ancient Egypt (like what we'd consider a bushel today): hekat or heqat. Ancient Egyptians loved puns, so they offered hekats to Heqat all the time.
Always symbology with the grains or wheat in the Bible as well. Wheat and tares.
Wait until people realize that a relationship with the I AM transcends any religion. Faith is the true substance of a relationship with God, not any dogma purveyed by any modern cult. I've learned enough to not trust what I have learned. Now it seems that anything is possible.
Often thought we are the plague. Pretty darn sure Jesus called me to this.
Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life! He is actually God. He died for our sins.
Egyptian‘s worship false gods. Each one of the 10 plagues that the Lord bestowed upon the Egyptians, were against each one of their gods. False cards, idols, and anything that is not of Christ is demonic.
I think you’ve really confused the two!
Neither have anything to do with one another. Yes God said frog is a plague, but that’s because they were shipped frogs. So he was proving to them, that he was the one in charge of all things. So he sent the frogs to demoralize them.
I love Pepe, and he is the face of our movement and I am happy for that. But he has no correlation to Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the one God, in flesh yes.
However, that does not mean other gods have not and do not exist.
Thou shalt not have any gods before me.
Before me, meaning ahead of him.
Now, Jesus is the destroyer of gods, and in such would strike fear in any lesser God or deity. To make the statement that he is the top of the hierarchy, in itself means there is lesser Gods or deities.
In that sense, I am not in any way in conflict with what Jesus teaches.
I am simply pointing out that there may be some level of subservience to Jesus through Haqet, as it seemed he used frogs before in Egypt.
Sure whatever. Believe whatever you want I don’t care. I think you need to read the Bible, but it’s none of my business. I’m not gonna get into a theological debate with somebody who’s obviously doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Have a great day. I’ve given up. I’ve given up on everything and everybody. Except for Jesus and I just want him to hurry up and get here so Don’t have to keep living in this hell on earth
Oh contraire mon frere.
I was raised in Mennonite, pentecostal, catholic, as well as Baptist foster homes growing up.
My whole childhood was with the church.
I love Jesus very much, and I place no other God before him. Do I recognize there is a hierarchy of angels and spiritual Servants to the throne as well?
You bet I do!
Your attitude is not one of faith in christ but one of defeat and fear. This is not walking in Christ.
We are on God's time. So I dont rush him, as stressful as this is, I am 100% living in faith and in such, I have received my blessing of peace in the lord. Why have you not?
Because his ways are not our ways, and I don’t understand why he does what he does. My biggest issue with the Lord is that he does things HIS way! It’s always his way! And I am a human with flesh, and I want to do things my way. But I am grateful that I’m not in charge because I would’ve screwed things up ages ago. Living in God‘s timeline is not always pleasant, however, it’s mandatory if we don’t have a choice. That’s the other part that I hate so much. I don’t have a choice! God bless you and your peace and tranquility, we’ve obviously come to a place in your life where that works for you and I’m happy for you. God bless you and have a great day
Nice dialogue between the two of you - just my thoughts, no need to reply as I'm just passing through.
Human beings each perceive The Truth slightly differently (sometimes wildly so). I believe that fact is part of The Truth itself, a built in feature.
I get what both of you are saying, and both of you are saying the se thing, just with different dialects.
Glad to see the chat didn't devolve! God Bless you both. 😁
Thank you for your comments. Yes I’m glad it didn’t devolve as well. Somehow we have to connect. Whatever that means.
I learned a long time ago, that sometimes the right to be right is worthless! Sometimes I give up my right to be right, just to allow for a friendship or a situation to Deescalate.
I’m not talking moral absolutes for me, but just basic kindness. Sometimes it turns out, what we’re standing on is not worthwhile if it destroys a friendship or a family members relationship!
God bless you and have a great day!