People over 30 already gave those increased risks that can hide additional increases. This is good science because it starts with a lower age group where the data stands out, and further data can look into older age groups.
Inflammation is so severe it should be halted all together. Then find out why science was ignored in favor of genocide and start the public square hangings.
It effects people's hearts under 30 but not the elderly? Come on man!
People over 30 already gave those increased risks that can hide additional increases. This is good science because it starts with a lower age group where the data stands out, and further data can look into older age groups.
Vioxx was removed from the market similarly.
About time someone does something.
Inflammation is so severe it should be halted all together. Then find out why science was ignored in favor of genocide and start the public square hangings.
Hah, I find it ironic the word 'paused' is always used for the COVID-19 shots.
Next, time my car is hijacked by a suicidal nut job, I'll invoke a 'pause' so we don't hit head-on with that tree.