Pfizer Whistleblower Reveals E-Mails Implying Aborted Baby Cell Use in Vaccine.
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Anyone who claims they didn’t know about this practice, but then tells you they’ve done their research into vaccines is a bull faced liar. The fetal cells are one of the first things I found out in my research before my decision - long before the clot shot came out.
“HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus,” Dormitzer said. “On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized...
HEK got you stressed? Just relax and have a pepsi.
If you could just add/change two words in your title please: "Pfizer whistleblower reveals email CONFIRMING aborted baby cell use in vaccine CREATION."
Yes, your headline is technically correct because that does imply (to most sensible people at least) that fetal cells are also present in the vax. But sticking to the facts that were actually exposed in the PV interview, in my opinion, really helps our movement come across with integrity.
Most people who object to fetal tissue used for scientific purposes would object to taking a vaccine created with the help of fetal tissue just as much as they would object to taking a vaccine that actually contained fetal tissue.
I think many of us believe (based on strong circumstantial evidence) that there IS fetal tissue in the vaccines but since we don't know for sure yet I think we are wise to stick with the facts and let them speak for themselves. Eventually all will be revealed.
The Pfizer execs obviously wanted to keep that under wraps due to the fact that people would easily come to the conclusion that there are aborted fetal cells IN the vaccine. I don't think that's the case. I can see how they would want to avoid that perception... now with this Veritas video people are going to conclude that there are aborted fetal cells in the vaccine. I don't think there are - I think were talking about fetal cell lines that were derived from aborted fetal tissue from decades ago used in the research (not in the vaccines themselves). Anyway, what they didn't want to happen is happening. I'm sure there are tons of crap in the vaxxes, don't get me wrong.
It was reported a long time ago. Glad she confirmed.