As seen in another post, conditional acceptance is the best way to not take the vaccine. I got templates for Condtional Acceptance letter from, so please support them. It costs $15, which is a very small price to pay for their help.
Below are letters for California and North Carloina, written speciffically for a Navy Commander. These are state specific because of codes we wrote into them so we can use the law against these people. Some states have their own state OSHA, so check the laws for your state. Using the two below will help guide you in finding the codes for your state, so dont think these arent helpful to you! On the same token, don't think that since this is for the Navy, this is not helpful to you. The earlier stickied post had very few bullet points and I thought they didnt go far enough, so please look at these.
Other documents, like an estoppel, are available from the website. So please support them if you go this route.
Conditional Acceptance - CA:
Conditional Acceptance- NC:
Order of Documents (Others not included):
I am going to bookmark your page also for people who may need this and the other one. Thanks!