I'm 12 weeks away from my delivery due date to receive my baby girl. I'm doing my researchand puttingtogethera list of vaccines that use fetus cells as well as alternative medication to treat things like "chickenpox".
Thus far I have collected information on MRC5, HeLa, mRNA and HEK239 cell lines. I will redact and seek the approval of my local church for a religious exception. I'm not allowing my daughter's DNA to be altered by evil agents and I refused to participate in it as it will be against my own faith (Christian).
Apparently, according to my doctor's last findings in my blood tests I lack several vaccines (polio, chicken pox, HepA and B) as my body doesn't retain vaxx-engineered antibodies. My doctor recommended to get the vaxxs after delivery, however, I have done my research and I will not take any vaxx.
Now; recommendations for holistic/herbal remedies, treatments, medications and providers (that are still alive) will be well received.
One thing people tend to not suggest is to cut stress from your life. My suggestion in conjunction with great stuff other frens here will propose is to live as stress free as possible the next 12 weeks.
Stress creates toxicity and inflammation in the body. Stay away from hospitals also.
This...stress is the number one killer.
Yes; stress in pregnancy is as bad as smoking and alcohol and can even affect the baby's temperament and personality based on hormone levels it is exposed to.