Vaccines cause SIDS, and the medical and scientific communities are well aware of this fact.
But it gets much worse...
The medical and scientific community actually invented the very concept of SIDS, for the sole purpose of covering up the fact that vaccines kill babies.
Imagine if today, a mysterious ‘syndrome’ emerged, where babies just spontaneously drop dead for no apparent reason...
Would you expect the medical and scientific community to pay attention? Would you expect to see concerned people devoting their lives to “find a cure”? Would you expect to see the government spend lots of $...000.00 on research? Would you expect CNN and FoxNews to drone on and on about this terrible syndrome?
What do we actually see?
Nobody pays any attention.
Government prioritizes SIDS research spending near the bottom, just under (insert something stupid)
Doctors and scientists show hardly any professional curiosity, and never lose a wink of sleep thinking about it,
and are content to just call SIDS “idiopathic”, which seems to translate to “caused by idiot parents” (vaccinating their kids).
SIDS deaths are not evenly distributed by age,
and ages at time of death have been discovered to coincidentally be clustered in a pattern that “correlates” to the CDC vaccine schedule,
And curiously, SIDS kids always “coincidentally” die just after a vaccine,
but never coincidentally die just before a vaccine. Hmm...
Vaccines cause anaphylaxis.
Vaccines cause people to become “allergic” to future vaccines, for example “egg allergy”.
My username is u/VaccinesCauseSIDS because i feel that exposing the fact that doctors know vaccines kill babies is the easiest way to break the vaccine illusion, and make people question vaccines, and the people who push them.
Ive been very active in the anti-vaccine movement for over 7 years, so most of what i know came long before COVID vaccines became controversial.
Most of you are now technically “anti vaccine” because you simply refuse to get a COVID shot,
but are you ‘really’ anti-vaccine in the sense that you will be willing to publicly state that vaccines cause SIDS?
Are you willing to publicly say that vaccines cause autism?
Is the reason you won’t speak up, because you know that you just don’t know enough, and don’t want to get beat and humiliated in a public debate?
There’s a lot to learn about vaccines, and being anti-vaccine, to be able to hold your own in a debate that is bound to be different each round.
Before COVID, the anti-vaccine movement was making great strides, in understanding the nuances of the vaccine debate, and articulating the anti-vaccine arguments very well... to the point where i sincerely believe the pro-vaccine side (deep pockets) actually gave up on having public debates or “correcting the record”, because it always backfired.
What you are seeing today, during the COVID debate, is basically all of the pre-COVID anti-vaccine arguments, successfully being re-purposed against pro-COVID vaccine arguments.
That is why censorship is so rampant. They KNOW they can’t win the debate, so instead they try to silence us.
I suspect one of the many purposes of the COVID Event 201 planned pandemic, was to have a pretext to crack down on ‘misinformation’ (any anti-vaccine argument).
Donald J Trump was a very outspoke vaccine critic on twitter, and i sincerely believe “the autism community” helped put Trump in the White House, not just by voting for Trump, but for all of the pre-election stuff that went down.
Epstein, Pizzagate, FBI, Hillary’s server/emails, Seth Rich, FISA...
If you see Kathy on twitter, be sure to thank her for being the one,
Being that one vaccine shill, who simply tried to hard, and accidentally told the whole world that vaccines cause SIDS.
Before Kathy, i knew that vaccines killed babies, i just didn’t realize they had a technical name for that particular cause of death, which is ‘SIDS’
‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’
‘Syndrome’ is defined as a cluster or constellation of symptoms,
But as far as i’m concerned, the word “syndrome” may as well translate to “caused by vaccines”
‘Sudden Infant Death, Caused By Vaccines’
And to add insult to injury, they blame the parents for SIDS deaths.
Your baby was sleeping on his belly?
Obviously belly sleeping causes SIDS!
Your baby was sleeping on his back?
Obviously back sleeping causes SIDS!
The medical doctors go on to claim that they diagnose or determine SIDS out of compassion for the grieving parents, who may be tempted to blame themselves for
vaccinating their child to death.
letting baby sleep on “wrong” side.
letting baby suffocate because blankets, or becoming trapped between mattress, or parent rolling over on baby, etc.
Always bear in mind... “SIDS” is what they call it, when they have actively ruled out all other possible causes of death, *except vaccines.
So yeah, kind, compassionate doctors will LIE, and call it “SIDS” to help coverup the fact that a co-sleeping parent rolled over on their kid and suffocated the kid to death
BUT, a doctor would never LIE, and call it “SIDS”, to help coverup the fact that vaccines kill babies,
Because doctors have this God-complex going on, where some of them actually believe they are “saving lives” by giving MMR shots to babies,
and that all unvaccinated babies will die of vaccine preventable infections.
Can you SEE what we are up against?
I see a snake on a rod, ruling over all of the earth...
Parents arrested for shaken baby syndrome? Right after the first series of shots?
Shots can cause terrible crying which leads to sleep-deprived parents losing it and shaking their baby. Indirect cause is possible.
PS., don't shake babies.
My son was in NICU, he was born 2 months early. I was educated and well informed about vaccines. Was treated differently by some of the nurses after I refused the hep B shot. I would have refused it anyway, but especially on my son who was still supposed to be in my womb for another 2 months? NO. Anyway, when it's time to finally take your precious baby home, they have a mandatory class you have to take. I remember the nurse mentioning "purple crying" that she implied happens to babies between 2 and 3 months old, They cry so hard they turn purple.. and gave a lecture about shaken baby syndrome and to just walk away. I knew it was because of vaccines. My sweet son did not have a stage of purple crying. My son is non vaxxed. I am actually grateful for this covid nonsense in some degree, as it is waking many up to the despicable nature of vaccines, and what they are doing to our children, and subsequently, grieving parents.