She seems to be pretty solid from a cursory look. Good luck, stay safe and let us know how it went, what was discussed, etc, if you’re up to doing so. Maybe this will be “a thing” with good committee/board members stepping forward to help parents be successful in knocking out the marxist filth from the education system.
Agreed - this kind of fell in my lap - I have no "skin in the game" in regards to school board related issues, so I'm previously unfamiliar with her.
That said, united we stand, from the bottom to the top. I figure this can't hurt to attend, simply from a networking and solidarity standpoint. Thanks for your contribution!
She seems to be pretty solid from a cursory look. Good luck, stay safe and let us know how it went, what was discussed, etc, if you’re up to doing so. Maybe this will be “a thing” with good committee/board members stepping forward to help parents be successful in knocking out the marxist filth from the education system.
Agreed - this kind of fell in my lap - I have no "skin in the game" in regards to school board related issues, so I'm previously unfamiliar with her.
That said, united we stand, from the bottom to the top. I figure this can't hurt to attend, simply from a networking and solidarity standpoint. Thanks for your contribution!