I always suspected there was something more to his arrest and conviction now it fucking makes sense. The drug that he was dealing with is used to treat parasites. How much you want to bet it has something to do with this covid 19 vaccine. Even the virus it used to treat is one that some are saying is in the fucking vaccine.
Pyrimethamine Brand name: Daraprim Anti-parasite It can treat toxoplasmosis. It can also prevent malaria and other kinds of infections.
What is Daraprim for? Daraprim treats toxoplasmosis, a disease that results from being infected by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. It can also help treat acute malaria when taken with other medications. An infection typically happens when a person eats contaminated or undercooked meat, or drinks water contaminated with the parasite.
The CDC estimates that 40 million people in the United States may be infected with the parasite but don’t have symptoms because in healthy people, the immune system keeps the parasite from causing illness. Symptoms of toxoplasmosis, which can include muscle pain, fever, and headaches, are more likely to appear in pregnant women or people with weakened immune systems. Even then, most cases are mild and go away on their own.
Hi, I'm glad that you are better! Could you share what kind of methods you used for your holistic healing?
Oh goodness. I have been sick for 9 years, and I have tried a lot of things over the years that have met with varying levels of success. I'd have to do a whole AMA to explain it all.
When I was diagnosed, I was VERY sick and had a 93% of losing my kidneys at any moment. In the beginning, I had no choice but to go radical. I did a couple of one-week fasts, food sensitivity testing and a radical diet where I only ate foods that I had tested not sensitive to, and acupuncture. Those things got me out of the danger zone, and then I was able to focus on more sustainable long-term strategies.
I'd say the most effective thing overall for the long-term was to start intermittent fasting, change my diet, and figure out supplements as per the instructions in the Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet.
How deep do you want to get into which supplements worked for me all the other things I've tried? I am happy to dive deep, but I don't want to give more info than people want to hear.