Well, he’s had a lot of time to study the human psyche but if you stop to think about it, he hasn’t gotten any more clever over those thousands of years of study. He pulls the same old tricks he pulled on Eve in the Garden - taking a Truth and twisting it to cause doubt, and then division, until we are manipulated into believing something that is the absolute opposite of the original Truth, and - if we’re fortunate enough to be awakened before it’s too late - we’re always left wondering how on earth we were so deceived. When Jesus was tempted in the same way, for 40 days/nights in the wilderness, He never took His eyes off the bigger picture - the plan the Triune God designed to restore us to Himself the very moment Eve took a bite of that fruit. We need to do the same - never take our eyes off Jesus. Our Hope is in Him and this life is temporal. Only Eternity matters in the grand scheme of things, so let these trials strengthen our Faith in Him and then we all truly win!
Well, he’s had a lot of time to study the human psyche but if you stop to think about it, he hasn’t gotten any more clever over those thousands of years of study. He pulls the same old tricks he pulled on Eve in the Garden - taking a Truth and twisting it to cause doubt, and then division, until we are manipulated into believing something that is the absolute opposite of the original Truth, and - if we’re fortunate enough to be awakened before it’s too late - we’re always left wondering how on earth we were so deceived. When Jesus was tempted in the same way, for 40 days/nights in the wilderness, He never took His eyes off the bigger picture - the plan the Triune God designed to restore us to Himself the very moment Eve took a bite of that fruit. We need to do the same - never take our eyes off Jesus. Our Hope is in Him and this life is temporal. Only Eternity matters in the grand scheme of things, so let these trials strengthen our Faith in Him and then we all truly win!