Where we have relationships built on trust and integrity. Not policies and lawyers. What ever happened to the Drs that would do house calls? The old ways are coming back, our parallel society will be a model that the mudblood will envy.
Yes, where a handshake meant an agreement when an oral contract was made, where people actually do what they say they are going to do in a timely manner.
I’m thankful my father taught me that a man is only worth his word, and once you lose your worth—its a lot harder to regain that previous value. Living local is viewed as heresy in the modern world.
Insurance malpractice $$$ took over to provide relentless litigation. Good Dr.s should be rewarded for what they do and provide, if there’s not a need for all the pharma money they wouldn’t have to pay enormous insurance premiums so the cost would lower to be treated, think on that without all the corruption what we can do.
Where we have relationships built on trust and integrity. Not policies and lawyers. What ever happened to the Drs that would do house calls? The old ways are coming back, our parallel society will be a model that the mudblood will envy.
Yes, where a handshake meant an agreement when an oral contract was made, where people actually do what they say they are going to do in a timely manner.
I’m thankful my father taught me that a man is only worth his word, and once you lose your worth—its a lot harder to regain that previous value. Living local is viewed as heresy in the modern world.
Me too. My husband lives by old school rules. Take pride in any work you do. Follow through with what you promised, offered, etc. His word is golden.
Insurance malpractice $$$ took over to provide relentless litigation. Good Dr.s should be rewarded for what they do and provide, if there’s not a need for all the pharma money they wouldn’t have to pay enormous insurance premiums so the cost would lower to be treated, think on that without all the corruption what we can do.
You gotta tear it down to build it back again. ** wrecking ball has arrived