Again, you are making a metonymical mistake: the Vatican is not the catholic church.
The freemasons were opposed to the pope of that time and vowed to subdue the papacy with Satan; your read of it doesn’t make sense (why would they say satan will reign i the papacy if they believed he already did?)
You also don’t understand the reformation very well. Firstly you assume that because I am a catholic that must be because I have not wanted to look deep into the reformation. In fact, I only became catholic a year ago after being protestant my entire life.
Luther had just cause to be against indulgences, which were corrupt (and which, incidentally, were used to build up the vatican city, which is now what I believe to be the whore of babylon). He also had some serious error, such as teaching to “sin boldly,” which you probably have never heard of. But did you know he believed in the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
Regarding “lodge book,” if you don’t know what that means, you don’t know much about masonry.
Your choice. It’s clear you are a defender of the freemasons. I am willing to debunk your misconceptions anytime you’re ready to encounter the massive cognitive dissonance you have in store.
Again, you are making a metonymical mistake: the Vatican is not the catholic church.
The freemasons were opposed to the pope of that time and vowed to subdue the papacy with Satan; your read of it doesn’t make sense (why would they say satan will reign i the papacy if they believed he already did?)
You also don’t understand the reformation very well. Firstly you assume that because I am a catholic that must be because I have not wanted to look deep into the reformation. In fact, I only became catholic a year ago after being protestant my entire life.
Luther had just cause to be against indulgences, which were corrupt (and which, incidentally, were used to build up the vatican city, which is now what I believe to be the whore of babylon). He also had some serious error, such as teaching to “sin boldly,” which you probably have never heard of. But did you know he believed in the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
Regarding “lodge book,” if you don’t know what that means, you don’t know much about masonry.
Your choice. It’s clear you are a defender of the freemasons. I am willing to debunk your misconceptions anytime you’re ready to encounter the massive cognitive dissonance you have in store.