I went in for a yearly checkup with my doctor.
Me: I caught covid about a month ago
Dr. did you get a PCR test when you had symptoms?
Me: No.
Dr. Then how would you know you had covid.
Me: I was around someone with covid, I then had the same symptoms of covid such as loss of smell and taste.
Dr.: You should get the vaccine then.
Me: I have natural immunity now, I no longer need the vax.
Dr: The vaccine is better than natural immunity.
Me: Explain to me, biologically - how you could claim any vaccine could produce a stronger immune system than the virus itself.
Dr.: ...
Me: Even a perfect vaccine could only produce an immune response equal to the virus with the hope that the vaccine would have less risk associated than catching the virus.
Dr. You should still get the vaccine because we don't know how many antibodies your body produced, if you get the vaccine your body can then produce more antibodies to protect you from covid.
Me: 🔥 Now that I have natural immunity, I am much less likely to get bad symptoms from covid (just like the vaccine claims to do) if I catch it again. 🔥
Dr.: ...
Me: 🔥 This means there isn't really any benefit to getting the vaccine versus just waiting to get the virus again, there is actually now an added risk of getting a side-effect from the vaccine.🔥
Dr.: But you might not have even had covid.
Me: Well then give me an antibody test for covid.
Dr.: Well the antibody tests aren't as accurate as the PCR tests are. Antibody tests arent determinative if you have covid, PCR tests are.
Me.: The PCR tests are not accurate and should not be used to diagnose covid.
Dr.: ... Okay we can do the antibody test.
Test comes back positive.
I Shut My Vax-Pushing Dr. Up!
ℹ️ ⚔️ Info Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
Most doctors are just highly paid Pharmaceutical salesmen and women.